Falling Down
Teaches Kids How to Walk and Think
March 21, 2022
thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing
is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity."
- John
Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron
Acton, 23 January 1861

Preface First Published,
Oct 2015 NEWLY UPDATED Feb 27, 2023
PDF - Free to Download
I was old enough to
drive, I sold self-help programs and materials door to door for a
company my
father had a
distribution agreement with. It specialized in personal and
corporate development materials as well as sales training programs for
insurance companies. A
lot of these materials came from the early self-help movement, which
other things
suggested people could just about do anything with a clear and
open mind and hard work.
time I became good at
selling these programs, but as excellent as they were, they did not
produce the results people who bought them were entitled to
I wanted to know why. Gradually I began to understand the way people
are taught, forced, coerced, cajoled, punished, manipulated, bribed to act impacts
what they think, and that
their habits of action develop the thinking that makes them the people
they become, not their logical thinking processes. You
learn to think largely as a result of the way you have been taught,
badgered, coerced, conditioned, educated, threatened, punished or sweet talked into
without your consent, and not the other way around. Much of your
thinking ends up simply
justifying what you have been forced to believe are your own beliefs.
Look at how you are
schooled, employed and react with society from a young age and you will
get it. The video in this link explains how your brain reacts to and learns from its surroundings, which biologically impacts your habitual behavior.
Military boot camp does not
ask permission. Can you imagine the sales pitch if it did? "Is it
Ok if we give you a crappy salary, a medical plan, durable clothes
all the same color, free meals and a place to live as long as you never
question us sending you to place like Iraq based on total lies about
things like them having weapons of mass destruction. In return
you must
innocent women and children
to teach the rest of the world not to defy
us. When you are done we will give you
medals, call you a patriot and a hero, and parade you (like a complete
sucker) at
baseball games. And we will make sure compliant and brainwashed
citizens cheer and clap like monkeys seeing bananas when they are
hungry, so that your blind obedience to lies will never be challenged.
sign here."
habits are environmentally and physiologically reinforced, a process
that keeps a person
moving in the unique direction they have learned to live with over
time. Much of what we learn, or in even simpler terms, have been
externally driven TO DO, is not
accurate, in polite terms, and if we are habitually conditioned to
move in a particular direction reinforced by beliefs that are
erroneous, we will end up right where the world is now. IT IS
ALL. Past and present governments are in effect undermining and
destroying America and the lives of your children without your
permission, your vote or even your understanding of what is
happening and history shows the majority of politicians are both self-serving,
self-protecting and completely disconnected from the results of
the decisions they make. But they always get their pensions.
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” - Thomas Sowell
idea of free will and self determination are wonderful ideas, but we
live in a perpetual state of being parented and controlled, and very
little of that parenting, control, guidance, enforced behavior helps us
develop free will and self determination. In fact it does quite
the opposite. That does not mean the potential is not there, but
you are shaping two environments when you make the decision to change
in any way, to get ahead.
One is your own, behavioral, habitual environment, and the other is
your surrounding environment which includes the people around
In a small and isolated community it may be easier to change and grow
without being
effectively boot camped into compliance by those around
you. But in larger society as
a whole, the pressure to conform to the popular habitual behavior of
living, the Skinner Box
as it were, is more complex. You do not live in isolation in a
crowded world, and when you consider the behavior of many around you,
you realize there are are a lot of people in polite terms who are
utterly incompetent.
understand the impact of your immediate surroundings on your ability to
change your habits, get your face tattooed with fake tattoos, wear
clothes you would never think of wearing, go home and tell the people
you live with, parents, loved ones, immediate family you think having
intimate relationships with animals is the way to go, and watch their
reactions. Less dramatic changes are no less impactful but harder
to spot. The process of change is regulated by a physiological
process called homestasis, which essentially is a process to maintain
consistency in your behavior or experiences. When you attempt to change
anything in your life homestasis automatically puts on the brakes to
the change. Later in this article we show you in greater detail
how it works. Dr. Robert Sapolsky is a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, a
professor of biology, neurology and neurosurgery at Stanford
University, and a research associate at the National Museum of
Kenya. He explains the process of stress (change) on your life
and how it impacts your behavior and free will in the video in this link.
"What fascinates Dr. Sapolsky most about human behavior is a
paradox – we are both the most violent species on earth, as well as the
most altruistic, cooperative and empathic. In his most recent
book Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst, he examines
how every act – heroic, appalling, or in between – is caused by the
neurobiology that occurred a second before, the environmental stimuli
minutes before that triggered that neurobiology, hormonal influences
during prior hours….all the way back to childhood and fetal experience
sculpting our brains, and the effects of genes, culture, ecology and
who are supposed to serve you and do not, are changing your behavior
with their acts and your input is universally ignored. Ask
yourself what politician or bureaucrat you think should tell you and
your children how to live and have the behavioral controls to enforce
that way to live. That is exactly where you are at today. Governments have become the enemy instead of the servant.
Notice how
Democrats and Republicans both vote to pass the bills that negatively
affect your lives. It is all a charade, a put on, as long as the
gravy train for donors and sponsors continue and your wages are kept
low, you have no universal health care, small business is being
attacked, and your children are exposed to deviancy at a young
age. Both parties can find multiple ways to modify the
environment you interact with and that is what actually modifies your
behavior, which over time you justify and adopt as your own
beliefs. You may not agree with that statement, but what you do
every day is you, not the fictions in your mind that you delude yourself
with. The whole purpose of propaganda is simply to keep you from
exercising your God given absolute, you choose, right to protect your life and that of your
children when attacked. You do not need to ask permission to
fight to breathe, but propaganda is used to try and stop you from
in this site I will explain how life insurance companies became some of
the richest and most powerful corporations on earth by capitalizing on
people's habitual behavior data.
In short, you trap mice by putting traps where the mice run.
Horrific as it may sound, people are not all that different.
later Edward Snowden exposed the fact that the NSA was
collecting behavior data on everyone. My
work in the insurance
industry and knowledge learned from our family's startup of a life
insurance company provided deep insight into the value of having this
data. And through a
relative, J Edgar Hoover provided me with information that helped me to
understand how the military uses personal data for behavior
control and propaganda.
immediately occurred to me the NSA and all other connected government
agencies and companies in the private sector collecting behavior
data on everyone
has nothing to
with terrorism and everything to do with behaviorally controlling the
civilian population. Running these
programs takes lots of people and that process
leaks information all of the time which can easily be found with
effort. Those
knowledgeable about behavior control and propaganda will quickly
recognize what is
going on,
as you will see as you go through this site.
NSA and the government are using behavior control manipulations to sell
the public on
the legitimacy of government and a
perpetual state of war. War
is not really what you think it is. Imagine if every two
50% of all manufactured automobiles suddenly started to disintegrate
a pile of metal shavings and plastic, a process that took less than a
once it started, with no warranty whatsoever. You would be forced to
replace them at your expense. That is what war is, an excuse
disintegrate billions of dollars' worth of goods annually
with no salvage and you have to keep paying. If you think
companies are crooks you have never really had a good look at the
US Military establishment. What a scam. Maybe one
day you will wake up and
get tired of it. To do so they need to
create a nation of compliant
citizens government and the military industrial complex can
control so that they can create another Empire like that of ancient
Rome, which failed completely, as will the American empire. Rome
built with stones, American functionaries, the hired and elected help,
build with lies.
The problem is
foot soldiers keep tripping over themselves bullying and murdering
citizens, blowing up innocent people, destroying cities, raping and
torturing family members which creates
retaliation and destruction everywhere. Now the American military establishment has to
double down and in the process creates such an unstable
globally the public will eventually have to find a way to get rid of
them. And, just like in ancient Rome,
politicians are simply
for patricians
whose hands are under their togas controlling everything they
do. A
huge problem for this modern-day Roman spectacle is the fact that we
live in a world that is so connected it
is like one big security camera that never shuts off. Nothing stays
hidden for long. The recent Panama Papers leak is proof of it.
Be forever thankful for leaks and whistle blowers. That is
democracy, just like the Boston Tea party was.
site is reporting what it sees in the camera as it
relates to behavior control and propaganda on an ongoing basis.
Fortunately, I know how you can
use the behavior control and propaganda programs the military has
developed to benefit you and that is explained as well. But first
you have to get well past the fog that government is infecting your
mind with. This site provides a fog light.
is absolutely critical to note that when this government or any
government deliberately and completely destroys your environment, in
modifying the Skinner
Box, creating fall down points and
curbs to
restrict your activity, without your input, they are directly attacking
you and the lives of your children.
Voting will not solve the problem because the effective levers of power
are so firmly compromised that they act like a backstop for the
corrupt destruction of nations. Icelanders attempting to create a new
constitution crowd sourced by the people provides a very basic example
of how the will of the people can
be subverted by entrenched power and political subversion.
However, the destructive
policies can be reversed and other acts such as flooding the country
with illegals can be remedied by rounding them up and throwing them
out. Want be kind, tell the illegal aliens to get off their duff,
grow some
courage, and fix the countries they fled, like what they are really are, which are
You are told about the value of the law and independent courts, which
is all nonsense, No one that is supposed to represent you believes it at all. The founding fathers, and people
throughout the centuries have figured it out, and that is the
offenders have to be defeated completely, and at any cost.
country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from
time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let
them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon
& pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two?
the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood
of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure." - Thomas
Jefferson to William Smith, Paris Nov. 13. 1787
must not be left with anything that can be used to regain
power, and more importantly, you must seize control of their money
and wealth, all banking systems and financial exchanges. They are
weapons of mass control and destruction as surely as nuclear
bombs. Look at what the Canadian Government did to the truckers
protesting provable failed Covid policies, and the wars in Vietnam,
Afghanistan and now Ukraine show.
clear idea of what needs to be done can be seen in the example of the
war between the North and the South over slavery. A politically
negotiated solution would not have solved the problem, and provided
outcomes no one liked. The bloody war and
fighting to the death made the point. Even so, history shows a
continued effort to overturn the result of the war.
Ed Snowden for peeling the roof off the coliseum. Snowden is not a traitor, a government
operating in secret is, and as you will read further down,
corrupt officials in the administration are behind the secrecy that
allows the abuse of
citizens the NSA has undertaken. Citizens
get to vote for a group of these traitors every four years.
for politicians today is like giving a thief your bank card and
password and agreeing to go to your room for four years and not come out.
You get exactly what you deserve in that scenario. The system
setup with the idea politicians can be trusted. Now that the
is over, perhaps you will learn to inspect what you expect. I
don't have the answer for how to fix it, but there are billions of you
on earth, so start to figure it out.
is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making
decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who
pay no price for being wrong.” - Thomas Sowell.
site provides you with ideas, tools and techniques to change your life
whatever purpose you can imagine. The tools
and techniques
to do so are largely being perfected by the US military at great cost
and have
been proven in years of military conformity
and confrontation.
You need to understand how to use these tools and techniques
your own life for the benefit of you and your family and
the honest pursuits of your nation.
There are only two things, components or whatever you want to call
that make you who you are, your habitual behavior and your critical
thinking. When you change them you change you. You must know how to
control both. Trying
to change your habitual behavior without being able to think critically
will not work well. Think of it as starting out on a trip with a
map that has all of the place names, road markers and layout
wrong. No matter how you make decisions with this map you may
get to
where you want to go.
Much of the information you use
to make decisions is either wrong or has been altered
or manipulated in
way, like the map described above. Altered or manipulated
information is effectively propaganda and you can't rely on it.
Propaganda is
essentially a
roadblock or a fork in the road of truth and justice that may take you
to a place that is not in your interests or those of anyone else. The
implications of blindly obeying wrong information and propaganda are
throughout the site.
that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient
and taking orders is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a
way reduces to a minimum one's need to think."
- Adolf Eichmann, Nazi SS Lieutenant Colonel and major organizer of the
If no one ever put anything in your head but the basics of eating and
cleanliness, you would have a free mind not
limited by potentially false beliefs and you would be completely free
to make
things up, try them and test them out.
no respect
whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he
starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable?"
Richard Feynman
"The first principle is that you
must not
fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool."
- Richard
The utterly fantastic news is the fact that changing habitual
is not a
process as unreliable as making New Year's resolutions. It is a
reliable and
systematic process that the US military uses routinely to create
military personnel who act as one mind to accomplish military
objectives. Externally the
military uses behavior change and propaganda processes to
influence the behavior of
target audiences, foreign and domestic, for purposes explained in this
The fuel for the military's weaponized behavior change processes are
massive database records of everyone's personal habitual
behavior and belief data, their health, financial
and employment records, their social media activity, their phone
conversations and texts, identification of
their friends, family and acquaintances, their residence and movement
data, and their religious and political affiliations, just to list a
of the many data points being collected by the NSA and
organizations like GHCQ in the UK.
The military calls this
information Domain Analytics.
I will explore this point in
greater detail in the site and why it is
important to you.
Your belief in anything, whether it be advice your parents
gave you, whatever education you have, some form of religion, or belief
in the leaders of your country all must show
they work, not through blind faith, but with results. When you have the
to change your behavior the only thing you need after that is a reason
to do so and the understanding that you are
entitled to make these changes without fear of reprisal from anyone.
"There is no harm in doubt and
for it is through these that new discoveries are made."
- Richard
In order to implement their behavior change and propaganda
processes the military has
developed detailed instruction manuals and related information that is
continually being updated as they are improved. This site provides links to
a number
of military behavior change training manuals so that you
can read them and learn how to use the information in them for yourself.
Improvement for Brain Dead Zombies
approach this site takes to personal development is different.
Normally you would expect to read stories of how certain individuals
worked hard and
succeeded, like the guys from Airbnb who started from nothing with a
simple idea and became a huge success, or the story of the single
mindedness of Jeff Bezos who built Amazon into a multibillion-dollar
behemoth. There are two problems with using people like a Bezos or a
Steve Jobs as an example of how to improve our lives. One is that we
tend to think of these people as gifted,
exceptional or lucky in some way instead of thinking we can do it
ourselves. That belief reduces us to following others. You
actually don't have to.

next is the fact that what we really need in the world is millions of
Steve Jobs, not people who wait on tables or punch a cash
register for
low wages. We have to learn to think of living and any form of
achievement as a team sport in
which we must improve the performance of
every member of
the team,
and not just rely on so called super stars. The behavior
and propaganda programs the military is perfecting offer a way to do
that. The military can take millions
of blue-collar
people with limited education,
who are not wealthy, members of minorities, many from broken homes and some
with criminal records who got into
the military with waivers,
and rapidly change their behavior using specific processes and
US media likes to deride the group of average people many military
recruits come from as "brain dead mindless zombies."
supporters. The suggestion that people that vote for a Trump
a Sanders are uneducated and blue collar reveals the contempt
the 1% of
the population and the politicians they have bought and paid for have
for citizens generally. This may explain why they believe they are
entitled to influence how average citizens live and act using behavior
control and
propaganda programs instead of encouraging the use of these programs to
improve everyone's lives.
idea that economic status and educational
attainment are the only indicators of
intelligence is not correct. At the most, only 30% of Americans have
some level of college education. To say that any minority, even if they
have greater education, should be
able to dictate policy and living conditions for an entire nation is
simply wrong and will not work. How many people today
where they are due to circumstances beyond their
control or have subjugated themselves to market forces just to feed
their families?
A large number of the world's inventions,
businesses were started by self-taught people with no formal
education and if you read their stories, they for the most part claimed
they were able to pursue their interests far more effectively without
the limitations of formal schooling (see the 19 minute mark).
later awarding them with college degrees does not offer any credit to the institution doing so.
A formal education
may actually be an enemy of change and achievement because it creates
followers who are encouraged to trade their certificate for a salary.
Being beholden to any boss, company or way of doing things may well be
a severe disadvantage if you want to learn to think critically. Not
having to
conform to any authority is liberating, which is why the
government appears so intent on getting full control over everyone
before they actually figure out what is going on, as this site will
military has proven a structured and supportive team environment
together with the
behavior change and propaganda processes this site describes can be
used among other things to turn
average people into potential killers who will face death for an idea
with no assurance that the idea, the
mission, is legitimate. And we know many of these missions are fictions and were not legitimate at all.
fact that the US military
can organize and move millions of people with great vigor and bravery
in the pursuit of fairy tales
proves conclusively their behavior
change and propaganda processes work and can be applied to anyone.
Using these processes in your own life is
a huge opportunity creating
significant opportunities to excel.
"If we did all the things we are
of, we would literally astound ourselves" - Thomas Edison
Into Pandora's Box
changes and propaganda processes developed by the military and fueled by
the NSA are not uniformly applied throughout the ranks. There is
a secret room behind this fantastic machine that spins the
tales and weaves the fantasies that only a few select people at the top
get to see.
Call it the cooking up pretexts for war room, the inventing scary enemy
stories room or
the dream up a bad guy room. That secret world is in
the process of being described in the Empire section of this site which
has been under development for a while. I touch on some of it here.
Sorry I
am taking so long. These
processes are different for military personnel who are
a captive audience than they are for the general population. The
of a
audience can be changed much faster.
Think boot camp.
Changing public behavior requires a
different approach, using external stimulus or stressors. Such
stimulus is provided using
propaganda, or in the case of foreign
audiences who
are targets, by
"any means possible"
such as blowing up their homes, murdering
their spouses and children, killing
their dogs, raping their daughters or sons, and destroying their
societal infrastructure. In these circumstances the external
stimulus causes their behavior
to change very quickly, and
for the majority their fear of more coming keeps them in
You should have no illusions about the lie of spreading
freedom and democracy. The founding fathers and many philosophers
that went before them understood there will always be tyrants who will
corrupt and destroy freedom and democracy for personal gain. This site
will tell you
about other men with the vision to recognize that corruption and
explain how it is spread. Its
even better for the propaganda campaign when a few of the people in
conquest states get mad and shoot
back or take the fight to the home of the aggressor, because then they
can be accused of threatening the aggressor's troops and citizens and
the perfect state of escalation and fear develop. Their daring to
defend themselves is used to magnify the
impact of domestic propaganda at home.
The military makes sure
the public knows about these attacks through the media which has become
a propaganda arm of the state. Their
reinforce the stressors required to turn domestic
audiences into people held captive by fear.
One thing that should really wake you up about just how far the media
fallen (the US is ranked number 41) is in the discussion that
took place after Donald Trump pointed
out George W. Bush screwed
up on
9/11 and lied
about weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq. Those lies were responsible for a US invasion of
Iraq in
innocent people were murdered and Iraq was destroyed in a military
invasion under
the false
pretenses of protecting
media was horrified that Trump dared to violate
the "taboo" about telling the truth. Since when did telling
truth become a taboo? The fact is, Bush
lied and whether he authorized the attack on Iraq directly or
defaulted on his decision-making authority and let others do so, he
bears criminal responsibility as Commander in Chief for the murder of
citizens and the destruction
of a nation. The
Iraq campaign was part of
a premeditated strategy by Bush
aided by
Cheney. Bush
claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws
he enacted
to place himself above
the law and hide any scrutiny of his actions by Congress,
using signing statements to redefine the power of the President and
grant his office power to violate constitutional protections. Quoting
from the
American Bar Association document,
granted himself authority to refuse to comply with:
requirements to report back to Congress on the use of Patriot Act
authority to secretly search homes and sees private papers;
McCain amendment for bidding any US officials to use torture or cruel,
inhuman, or degrading treatment on prisoners (the president said in his
statement that as commander-in-chief he could waive any such
requirement if necessary to prevent terrorist attacks); (See
page 15, 16 and 17 of the linked document)
issued more signing statements in his term in office than all of the
Presidents since signing the Declaration of Independence combined, and
in so doing is making the administration of
the US government, spying on citizens, and starting wars an executive
privilege without oversight.
The cut and paste catchall phrase Bush used to grant himself absolute
power is: "would
be construed in a manner consistent with the President's Constitutional
authority to withhold information, the disclosure of which could impair
foreign relations, the national security, the deliberative process of
the executive or the performance of the executive's constitutional
Bush and his crew figured out how to get rid of oversight,
i.e. turn off the security system, so that he and his buddies can create plans to rape
pillage the entire world, using honest people in the
military guided by fantasies invented to make them think they are
acting in the interests of the nation when they carried out his
Bush's declaration of special legal status for himself does not
cover up the fact that lies
are lies and murder is murder. Allowing anyone, no matter what
their position, to create their own rules for what constitutes murder
and the destruction of a nation is wrong.
If Bush gets away with it, you
pretty much can figure out where things are at in government. The
greater problem now is whether or not future administrations will
fix the problem, or carry on the behavior as Obama appears to be
doing. If you want to know why politicians are hated and America is
attacked by extremists, this site gives you enough links to figure it
out. Which is actually the most ridiculous thing in
the world. America was and is a great nation, there are
just a bunch of thugs in the Beltway giving it a bad name.
Trump sailed through Bush country in South Carolina solely because the
so-called brain-dead zombies that support him are clearly far more
capable of
smelling the rot and
stench of corrupting influences in DC than the
reporters who no longer investigate and
report but simply announce whatever is put in front of them.
reason the RNC and the big money interests lined up behind guys like
Bush and Rubio may be
panicking about Trump or the Democrats coming to power, may be the fact
Cheney and Bush
have so totally corrupted the Office of the President that anyone
coming into power who is not in their
pockets may actually be able to use the
office in a way they might not like. They poured $140 million
into Jeb Bush's campaign, and so far have spent $9 million in February
before Super Tuesday to stop Trump.
on, an
additional benefit of sensationalizing military power in the media is
the implied warning it
serves to nations which are not yet targets that they too can be the
recipient of such treatment. Anyone that does not agree with the
aggressor state's "strategic interests" must
be made to understand they can be directly attacked or left on their
own to defend
themselves against the "real bad guys," the Russians, the Chinese, the
Iranians, the terrorist hordes and so on. What
the state must try to hide in all of this is its role in provoking
rebellion against foreign governments or
political or economic practices the state does not like.
It is amazing that a nation with enough bombs to erase life on
earth cannot actually sit at a bargaining table and make deals rather
campaigns to kill people all over the earth. To me it implies these
guys are nothing but a bunch of psychopathic
the right amount of money spent on a propaganda
bad can
be made good, and anything good can be made bad. Tobacco
companies made tobacco look good
for you for years, Monsanto has invested millions in defending the
toxins in Roundup, DuPont has done the same with the toxic
agents in
Teflon, fire and waterproofing, and Exxon has invested millions denying
climate change. Pillaging,
poisoning, exploiting and destroying are all balance sheet terms
deceptively hidden under the bottom line, although you will never see
them written down.
Or if enough weapons are supplied to insurgents in target states set up
for destabilization, all kinds of pretexts for military intervention
be created. Lying and deception are now the new forms of
Domestically, militarizing the police and making sure they "look
militarized and fierce," overlooking their brutality, and failing to
effectively prosecute abuse when they are caught, holding military
drills inside the
nation under the guise of training, and shooting citizens who protest
too loudly
all provide the necessary stimulus and stressors to keep citizens in
It also helps if the banking system robs everyone blind and steals
their savings, and domestic economic policy screws up the economy so
badly that the stress of the average
citizen's life is increased just trying to survive and maintain
whatever semblance of the American dream they have left. Then the
state has to make sure the only corporations citizens can afford to
work for and
make ends meet have significant advantages over small businesses.
Once the entire stage is set then the state uses the military,
terrorism pretexts and
frauds like the TPP to insert these companies like a suppository into
the bowels of foreign states so that the Ponzi scheme continues.
It is critical to make sure citizens have no cost-effective health
care system or social safety net so citizens can never direct their
attention to anything other than survival, and divide citizens on the
basis on their education so that blue collar workers are made to feel
less capable than the elites who obviously "know more," which is
confirmed by the fact that they "do better" financially. When average
citizens do rally around anyone other than people blessed by the deep
state, be
sure to call them names
like "brain
dead mindless zombies" and
continually emphasize the point that they are blue collar,
uneducated, unemployed,
inexperienced, or whatever other descriptions can be used to
marginalize and shut them up.
And do everything in the state's power to threaten the Edward Snowdens
the world so that the entire state sponsored fairy tale never gets
This Site? Not Hardly
I am not asking you to like this site, but you should be interested in
who appear not to.
The image above is a snapshot of Google Analytics session logs for this
listing government agencies and military organizations following the site along
with a few others in this list.
I have never received a letter from any of
these firms thanking
for acknowledging how great the behavior change and propaganda
processes they have developed are, I can only assume they are unhappy I
am talking about them. Which is really too bad.
The site is about you knowing how to take
control of your life to benefit you, using the behavior
change and propaganda
your tax dollars
paid for. You
would hope the behavior
change and propaganda
the military is using in team environments to create vast armies would
be used to
create a nation of great thinkers, inventors, business people and be
used to lift everyone in the nation up. More than likely however
you have
never heard of this material before. Why Not?
Blue-Collar Heroes?
great that there has been a Thomas Edison, a Henry Ford, a Steve Jobs,
an Einstein on earth. But trying to use
the example of the odd Thomas Edison or Steve Jobs that come along as
evidence of the great opportunity there is in the world, is simply
false. There are 7.4
people alive now on earth and as a percentage the odd Steve Jobs or a
of hundred great inventors or thinkers over hundreds of years and
the billions of people that are or that have been on earth does not
even register on
the lift yourself up by your bootstraps scale.
Understanding the
reasons why so few people benefit from the potential they have is
critical. Living on earth is a team sport and everyone is in the
game. Coaching them should be an opportunity to make
all of the players do better.
The military has proven it is one of the best coaching organizations on
earth. They have
shown how behavior
change and propaganda
processes can transform millions of average people into those that will
put their life on the line, even for a fiction. To
use a sports analogy, they get everybody running down the field
in the same direction with total ferocity. Yay.
All we need to do now, is get rid of the fictions and lies and create
real missions based on legitimate objectives the billions of people
alive on earth have and the world can change
very quickly.
You simply have to decide if you personally will be better off as a
behaviorally controlled hunk of meat guided by induced habits and rote
thinking, or if you would actually like to think for yourself and make
decisions. I guess a reasonable next question would be are you
the only one entitled to do so, with perhaps your children included, or
should everyone else you know have the same consideration. Or are
they too stupid, too black, too white, too yellow, too liberal, too
conservative, too religious or not religious enough and therefore need
their brains erased and have the cop down the street decide how they
should behave?
This site is based on the idea that the human mind has enormous
capacity to beneficially influence life outcomes, even with recognition
of the
damage that can be done to a brain by a host of factors, including
poverty, genetics, upbringing and internalized processes I will
describe later in the site.
addition to internal roadblocks, external
factors also impact a person's ability to achieve what they might like
in life: the
structure of societal systems in particular. When
I started writing this site, I was not totally aware of the level of
manipulation that was occurring in these
including propaganda, lies and manipulation of our news, education,
legal and political systems.
Unfortunately, it appears that those in power or that have great wealth
are not interested in brain
dead mindless zombies
becoming critical thinkers or high
achievers. I suggest you look through this site, and then
go through the Empire link when it is done. In doing my
matter, I found the information I intend to include well documented by
many other credible
sources that speak to this issue.
There is a real disconnect between the politicians
and institutions that influence and corrupt them
and the majority of people in most nations. Referring to them
as brain
dead mindless zombies because they are willing to take a chance on new
ideas or disruptors like Trump and Sanders rather than putting up
with more
of the same from the politicians they are sick of proves it.
media portrayal of people desperate for change reflects this
disconnect. Repeatedly describing them as
blue collar, largely uneducated people working in low
paying jobs and who will follow an unelectable "clown" like
Trump confirms it. This portrayal exposes an offensive
and dangerous
bias that average citizens are not qualified to
participate in
the governance of their nation.
supposedly live in a land of opportunity, and that by
hard with a positive attitude we can do great things. What is
well hidden from the average person is the fact that while they are
working hard to benefit from the American Dream they
are being systematically undermined while they do, like Linus trying to
lick the football.
are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine
and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings
and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It
would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if
we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
autodetermination practiced in past centuries." - David
In addition to taking personal control of your habitual behavior since
it is the
foundation of your future and learning how to think critically,
you need to know how
the structure of societal institutions can impact
the choices you have so that alternatives to these
potentially damaging influence can be put in place.
As little
children we were born with clear minds, imagination and belief - a
force or
the "Force" if you like. Children's helplessness when they are
born leads us to
create environments, processes and systems to protect them and bring
them up. These processes are mostly broken but they do a great
job of killing off any semblance of the force most people were born
rears disciples, imitators, and routinists, not pioneers of new ideas
and creative geniuses. The schools are not nurseries of progress and
improvement, but conservatories of tradition and unvarying modes of
thought." - Ludwig
Von Mises.
anything is primarily methodology, a system, and to change things you
have to change the system. You also have to make sure what is put
forth as knowledge is not just drivel or
propaganda. Above all, kids have to be free to imagine, to question and
learn to think critically. The way
the world works today, there is little proof anyone in government or
finance really knows what they are talking about, or if they do and the
way the world is working is deliberate, you
won't risk much by encouraging and trying new
The bad news is all systems are observable, and what can be observed
can be analyzed and corrupted. The headline "Richest 62 people as wealthy as half of
is evidence that something is badly out of whack. The good news is
nearly everything
can be changed by you, but only if you are vigilant and decide to do
so. That's what this site is about.
Evil as a Product and Export
is important to recognize that certain human behaviors can be so harmful to others than they can be described as being evil. When that behavior is institutionalized, an Evil Empire can be said to exist to corrupt the systems of governance people depend on and take away the
options they have to
increase their position and influence. We watch
movies and listen to tales about
superheroes and evil doers and think that stuff is all
myths. The fact is, mythical beings inspired real people to mimic
them. Buck Rogers for example helped to put us on the moon.
for the bad guys, they are even worse than in the movies.
They lie, cheat, steal, deceive,
rape and torture men women and children, destroy entire countries
and unquestionably spread evil. And their evil is just a process
that is easily duplicated.
Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus Stanford University
suggested evil
can be systematically created and spread to others and
documented the process
in the
Prison Experiment. The Stanford Prison Experiment has been criticizedfor
failing to disclose participants were coached, which rather that
invalidating the experiment, proves something far more
disturbing. It shows that people are not inclined to be evil on
their own, but with leadership from people and systems that embrace
evil and wrongdoing, they can be coerced into atrocities simply
to follow orders. Dr. Zimbardo and
Yale Professor Dr.
Milgram showed
how that process
was deployed in Abu
Ghraib prison.
gave evidence of the process
as an expert witness in the examination of the torture and inhumane
of prisoners in Abu Ghraib.
Ghraib is proof institutional evil exists, and was deliberately and
willfully implemented by George Bush and his advisers, and which
continued in the Obama administration. Evil can be systematically
spread to infect anyone and has been done so throughout history. In
addition to wherever else such
processes can be found, it is securely embedded in the land of the
free, home of the
brave, and quarterbacked by an assorted mix of those that deliberately harm others in the
Beltway. Maybe the new slogan should be land of the deceived,
home of the brave, and evil and corrupt behavior drives our mission, so screw you.
power is in the system.
creates the situation that corrupts
the individuals... If
you want to change a person, change
- Dr. Philip Zimbardo, TED talk September 2008
Empire link, which is in the process of being
updated, the creation and spread of evil in government and
corporations, is documented. Dr.
Zimbardo calls this process the Lucifer Effect.
Once you get through the Empire link when it is done, you can call the
Pope and tell him he does not need to sell Lucifer on faith anymore,
Dr. Zimbardo has documented how Lucifer works both at Stanford
University and Abu Ghraib.
"We shall meet again. I have
believed in
God. I obeyed the laws of war and was loyal to my flag." -
Eichmann, Nazi
Lieutenant Colonel
While the existence of harmful behavior occurs throughout the world, what
is unique about documenting it so clearly in the behavior of
individuals in the Beltway claiming to act in the interests of American
citizens is the fact that they and certain of their so-called
allies pose as freedom fighters and liberators while secretly this
cabal of miscreants is doing
everything in their power to be anything but.
beings have always looked for ways to overcome adversity and make life
easier, and have relied on faith, belief, myth and stories to make
sense of things
unseen. Faith and rituals have developed over time to pursue
these myths and stories in the hope for salvation; whether that salvation
from starvation, threats of violence, poverty, illness or
Looking outward for help to solve mysteries and problems can be a good
thing, but
that process can lead to a dependency on the shaman, the priest, the
scientist, the teacher, the leader who claim to be in touch with the
invisible forces that provide answers to life's pressing
problems. When we rely on others to the exclusion of our own
minds and the forces within us, we miss the opportunity and the
necessity to learn to help ourselves.
all fields of endeavor, we are learning about the powers and abilities
that are within us all and that can be used for our benefit. It
is no
accident that we are living longer and are healthier than we ever have
been in history, and it is no accident that we have people living in
space and have walked on the moon. And it is no accident that we
no longer have to fear the plague that killed millions or the polio
that crippled our children. We have demonstrated again and again we can
find solutions to our problems and create new opportunities in the
And while all of this wonder and achievement unfolds around us,
dark forces have been advancing to control invention and opportunity
for their own greed and profit, to
the exclusion
of others.
This is possible due to the fact that every system, every process,
every invention, every habit we develop, every belief we may hold can
be identified, studied, understood and from there manipulated and
turned against us to hold us captive using the Lucifer
American elected officials have mastered implementation of what couldbe described as the Lucifer
Effect, which can be called the Lucifer Discipline since it has
been artfully adopted as a specific tool to infect target
audiences. This behavior is being
exported around the world and deliberately deployed to destroy
entire countries to advance a questionable American agenda.
The fantastic news about discovering the Lucifer Effect is part of a
suite of tools to manipulate and control behavior is that fact
that the system, the
technique, the methodology
is well
The linked document is only one of many similar documents in existence
or that are being developed that detail how to use the
Lucifer Discipline along with other behavior control and propaganda
tools, and the military is driving the growth of companies
and people that
understand how to use them.
This capability has worked so well
that in a number of countries the groveling officials in government are
copying some of these tools and tactics and are employing them to
create a
permanent class structure in their own nations. Congratulate
officials for raising the bar on manipulation of
citizens for the gain of a corrupt political, military and corporate
establishment. The rest of the so called free and democratic
states are studying the lessons. Those nations that never claimed
to be
democratic have no need to. But oddly enough, lying and BS seems
to be standard fare for everyone, no matter what type of state they
define themselves as.
That is the dark side of things, and hopefully this site
will expose it and explain how to commandeer the Lucifer Discipline and
your personal commitment to
overcome the destructive behavior that has infected the world. It is entirely
possible to become mentally powerful and
move freely in any direction you chose, but you are going to have to
jettison a lot of mental baggage to get your innate abilities
working. You will also have to learn how to process that massive amounts of propaganda we are now subjected to spewing rubbish about how great the political hired help is. Nations and citizens
are great, but their appointed and elected help are proving to be anything but.
be a hero, you have to learn to be a deviant, because you're always
going against the conformity of the group. Heroes are ordinary people
whose social actions are extraordinary. Who act." - Dr.
Zimbardo, TED talk Sept. 2008
grew up in a
household with a successful but abusive father who beat my
mother and I when he was
drunk or angry. Living like that makes you dislike bullies,
abusers and
by fear.
“The wound is the place where
the Light
enters you.” - Rumi
a child my mother took us to Sunday school where they taught the idea
that God
looks after us
if we
are good and punishes us if are bad. To a young mind, that idea implied
of my mother and I was somehow our fault or a mysterious
lesson from God.
the time I was too young and afraid to challenge the
Today, with all due respect to whatever God some people
faithfully believe in, and
as a parent of children I
there is no benefit to living in any kind of abusive environment or
making children think doing so is some kind of
lesson they must accept in faith.
father sold vacuum
cleaners door to door when he was young and so when I was 13 or 14, he
made me walk door-to-door in our neighborhood selling self-help
materials for a company he
represented. The self-help
materials were from noted businessmen, authors, and
lecturers and preached the gospel that
anyone can become successful with work, the right attitude and
I understood the materials we were offering I became proficient at
selling them. I
thought if I became successful financially, I could buy my
way out of where I was at. However,
that I might do something wrong by making money selling these programs,
I decided
I had better check what
the so-called
experts and God had to say about it.
began an
intense period of study
which I
through numerous bibles, the major
texts of various religions, a large number of esoteric texts and more
than 800
books at the time. I took courses on self-improvement and
self-actualization, studied Eastern and Western religions and lived in
an ashram for a while. These
while imparting
knowledge did not reveal the answers I was seeking at the time.
point of extreme
frustration, a flash of heightened
swept over me. Perhaps the volume
of material I
studied triggered a euphoria in which everything seemed to come
together. I felt there was nothing to fear
from life or death and the world is about creating and enhancing
life. The concept of a god was like that of a caring parent
little children being the window to the universe.
Wealth was legitimate if it was accumulated in performing
to others.
state of awareness was
intriguing. Many of
the ideas in the books I had read,
as the Law of Success, various bibles of different religions and other
texts all fit together. It seemed like answers to many of
mysteries were in plain
sight but for some reason we can't see them. This link has a number of these books and the list will be populated for self study.
While in
I revisited a number of the books and texts I had read previously and
wrote down a kind of
inspired Coles notes of what I had experienced. This site
that up in
a way hopefully you can use or investigate on your own.
later reading I learned a prominent Canadian psychiatrist Richard
Maurice Bucke in the late
19th century experienced a period of altered
consciousness which he documented. Bucke researched the
world's literature on the subject and corresponded with others about it
over a period of years before writing "Cosmic Consciousness: A
Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind." In his book, Bucke
describes his own experience, those of contemporaries, and studies of
historical figures that may have
experienced bouts of such consciousness. Bucke described the
characteristics and effects of this state as:
its sudden appearance
a subjective experience of light ("inner light")
moral elevation
intellectual illumination
a sense of immortality
loss of a fear of death
loss of a sense of sin
book is available online
read or download in PDF
there is a third state of religious experience which belongs to all of
them, even though it is rarely found in a pure form, and which I will
call cosmic religious feeling. It is very difficult to explain this
feeling to anyone who is entirely without it, especially as there is no
anthropomorphic conception of God corresponding to it." -
Albert Einstein. "The
World As I See
It." pp 19
bouts of consciousness however brief may reveal knowledge or
in advance of systematically learning it. While
organized systems
of education provide information in a progressive fashion, flashes of
altered consciousness could explain knowledge
not obvious to the person who may actually possess it in one form or
another already - the "AHA" experience.
Many inventions and discoveries seem to fit this approach. A fervent
desire to understand something may be
the most valuable form of knowledge of all.
"Discontent is the first
necessity of
progress." - Thomas A. Edison
If you read the biographies of people credited with unique discoveries
or who created products and services that met with widespread
acceptance, a number of them report having the idea in their head
they could figure out how to implement it. In some cases the
original idea turned out to have an unexpected application in another,
unrelated and unanticipated area.
"I have
the result, only I do not yet know how to get to it."
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
"I am enough
of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more
important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles
the world." - Albert Einstein
perhaps such flashes of awareness reveal a link in our consciousness
that pierces the mental fog we inherit from how we are raised,
governed, employed and taught religion, to a state of being in which
there are
different rules.
general, we look for a new law by the following process: First we guess
it. Then we – now don't laugh, that's really true. Then we compute the
consequences of the guess to see what, if this is right, if this law
that we guessed is right, to see what it would imply. And then we
compare the computation results to nature, or we say compare to
experiment or experience, compare it directly with observations to see
if it works. If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong. In that
simple statement is the key to science. It doesn't make any difference
how beautiful your guess is, it doesn't make any difference how smart
you are, who made the guess, or what his name is. If it disagrees with
experiment, it's wrong. That's all there is to it." - Richard
children are of particular importance. They, be
it ever so briefly, appear to live in the state of consciousness Bucke
their most innocent state children are what they imagine at any given
moment and the world is
their impression of it.
you watch little children playing at being mothers or spacemen for
example, you can see they are acting as if
are that person right now. They
are Jedi. The
only comment that could be made is that
they need practice and experience to be better at it.
is initially not part of a child's make up.
of the leading
thinkers of the late nineteenth century advocated acting
"as if" you were in a position already in his writings.
biblical quotes, including "Therefore
I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe
that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" and "Jesus
answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith,
and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree,
but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; it shall be done" are all admonitions
to believe now and just do
as if, being there now, or thinking from a position as if it is already
done are not dependent
on being highly skilled at whatever you are doing at that moment. Having
spent years studying goal setting, I realized
setting goals may actually be
destructive because they reinforce the fact that you are not where you
want to be now and confirm a time and space differential that has
overcome to reach them. However, by acting as if you are in
position you want to be in already and starting to do what you imagine
even without the best of skills, which can be
acquired, you are in a much better position than pushing the
start off to some point in the future as a goal. Replace goals with
task lists. See this
and this.
line of thinking becomes clear when you think of athletics.
Athletes use their imagination to visualize
in a sporting
as they warm up for it. Visualization would not work if the
athletes imagined eventually learning how to participate in the sport
at some
point in the future. Going
down a ski hill, imagining falling in great detail and then visualizing
getting better a year from now reinforces a
negative result. Think from the desired position not to it.
if you start something today you discover you are
not happy with, don't worry about it.
“A foolish consistency is the
hobgoblin of
little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well
concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now
in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words
again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. - 'Ah, so you
shall be sure to be misunderstood.' Is it so bad, then, to be
misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus,
and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and
wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood."
- Ralph
Waldo Emerson
you follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while,
waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one
you are living. Wherever you are - if you are following your bliss, you
are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time."
- Joseph
religious texts describe heaven as belonging to little children, while
many other texts emphasize
the importance of an open
mind free
of prejudice and judgment. Certain eastern religions teach
idea that a mind free of any bias or preconception is a
prerequisite of
acquiring greater knowledge. That idea has nothing to do with faith, in
fact it challenges the idea of blindly following anything on faith
Little children do
not see themselves
as black,
white, Asian, Indian, Jewish, Chinese, Russian, Muslim, British,
American, Canadian, Catholic, Christian or any other
nationality, faith or belief. Ask yourself how then
did they become black, white, Asian, Indian, Jewish, Chinese,
Russian, Muslim, British, American, Canadian, Catholic, Christian or
any other nationality, faith, or belief? Who were the
that conditioned them to be that way?
What about the
conditioned beliefs that it was OK to keep slaves, that some humans are
genetically superior to others and everyone else is on the earth solely
to serve them, that people who are not of a particular faith should be
destroyed, that one race is superior to others? Children
certainly did not dream this stuff up.
If we are to encourage
children to have
open, imaginative and questioning minds then it is important to
understand how little children become us. Out of necessity for their
care and protection we teach or behaviorally condition little children
to "do" and "behave" a certain way long before they learn to think
critically, if ever. Dimming the Force in them takes
time. The do this and do that
pattern of
teaching/learning continues through much of their lives and over time
these do this and do that actions become habits reinforced
physiologically by an unconscious process designed to maintain the
state of their habits as they are. Without any thought or
bring them up learning to listen to and depend on other people,
external institutions and supposed leaders for everything they know and
Do you think not? Did you choose your
parents, the neighborhood you grew up in, invent your own schooling,
college training, religion or job? If so, congratulations.
Over many years, parents,
relatives, their religions, the schools and the neighborhoods children
are raised in condition children, you and I, to act in a certain way.
If you grow up in an abusive household, or your parents separate, you
learn that hurt and disillusionment too. Think about your life growing
up and how things around you subtly molded you to fit in. While some
people may be spared the absolute demands of conformity for a myriad of
reasons, the conditions they are left in also become habits. Reacting
against something ties you to it, just from a different point of view.
Willard and Margaret Beecher, in their book Beyond Success and Failure
discuss this occurrence at length.
The years of conformity and
pounding into
children's heads the ideas they learn to accept, which happens at every
level of their lives starting from their earliest years, become habits
of thought and action that are like layers of fat on their bodies that
are difficult to shed. The neighborhoods chosen by our parents are
delineated by income, race and class. We go to schools in
areas, may attend religious services locally, and if we are fortunate
enough, we take courses designed by others who supposedly know best at
colleges and universities. We work at jobs predefined by someone else.
We are wholly dependent in our most formative years on environments and
circumstances created by others. The behaviors and habits
and we develop in these environments and circumstances can be with us
forever unless they are changed.
becomes a kind of Skinner Box and our interactions
with people and
institutions are like a ball bouncing from bumper to
bumper on a pinball machine. The bumpers are like behavioral triggers
that direct us and provide limits, in many cases without our being
consciously aware it is even happening. The societal
that we interact with are a component of the Force.
Which is where the problem is.
learn to act long before we learn to think, from the time we are young
and which continues as we grow up. This increases our reliance on
others, and which eventually become incredibly binding behavioral
Ultimately, when faced with
the difficulty
of overcoming our habitual behavior or continuing to rely on the habits
and information imprinted on us by others, innocently or otherwise, in
many cases it proves to be easier to rely on the behaviors and
information we are indoctrinated with than change. Now we are in
Imagine a situation in which
Google Maps
uses your smartphone and facial recognition to see if you are looking
their map, and every time it detects you look away Google subtly alters
the roads on the map. It might be funny to think about, but
far off track could you get in a scenario like that?
At one point in time people
believed in
witches, and those believed to be witches were persecuted and burned at
the stake. Some people thought the world was flat.
beliefs were wrong, but imagine living during the time these beliefs
were widespread and children were taught to believe them. Any action
they took based on these beliefs would be incorrect.
What if much of what we think
and do today
is based on beliefs and ideas that are just as wrong as a belief in
witches and a flat earth? What if the corporations, news
organizations, religions and governments that represent us have figured
out how to manipulate and control our thinking and behavior to such a
degree that we
are relying on fictions, lies, and myths?
If there is no hell or heaven,
whatever rules we decide to live by is all there
is. On the other hand, for those that believe God and some
of heaven or hell
exist, they
still have an obligation to develop the most effective ways to live
together on earth with mutual respect and dignity. That
should work regardless of what anyone believes.
This site shows you how to
identify the
fictions, lies and myths we are indoctrinated with and how they are
planted in your head. It provides you with insight and
you can use to get rid of the fictions, lies and myths to
improve the way things work in your life. Going through the links in this site
you to understand the influences and information that brought you to
this point.
you can accept as a possibility the idea that the state of little
children's minds with their ability to imagine freely and act
is how human beings' minds should work to ensure our future on
earth, then it is vitally important to understand how to nurture those
states of mind through to adulthood and do nothing to interfere with
their ability to imagine and pursue the unknown with confidence. Free
the Force.
"I never
did a day's work in my life. It
was all fun." - Thomas A. Edison
"If we take everything into account,
not only
what the ancients knew, but all of what we know today that they didn't
know, then I think that we must frankly admit that we do not
know. But, in admitting this, we have probably found the open
is not a new idea; this is the idea of the age of reason. This is the
philosophy that guided the men who made the democracy that we live
under. The idea that no one really knew how to run a government led to
the idea that we should arrange a system by which new ideas could be
developed, tried out, and tossed out if necessary, with more new ideas
brought in - a trial and error system. This method was a result of the
fact that science was already showing itself to be a successful venture
at the end of the eighteenth century. Even then it was clear to
socially minded people that the openness of possibilities was an
opportunity, and that doubt and discussion were essential to progress
into the unknown. If we want to solve a problem that we have never
solved before, we must leave the door to the unknown ajar."
Richard Feynman
Feynman made another critical observation I quote below:
are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not
unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of
thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we
can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on."
Waking Up
Many years ago I learned
the habits we are
programmed with are forces that predict life's outcomes.
access to insurance company
actuaries, the statisticians that study historical
habitual behavior data to predict longevity and disability for life
companies so they can make a profit, revealed the power of habitual
study demographic and behavior data classifying people by criteria
such as age, sex,
profession, education, the schools they attended, their
religious affiliations, marital status, geographic areas lived in,
history and that of immediate relatives among other things; today
described as the social determinants of health.
Actuarial data provides a picture of peoples' lives with conclusions
drawn from analysis of that data proving to be incredibly
accurate, illustrating the
importance of having this information.
Analyzing and
interpreting behavior data is not
a speculative
exercise in
the insurance
business, it is all
about profit and loss. Getting it right is critical to making a
Life insurance companies
capitalize on this predictability to sell life insurance policies that
cover things like the risk of dying or being disabled
accidentally. A 30-year-old person can buy $1,000,000 in life
coverage for around $450 per year, which can be paid in
installments. The client is insured on signing the policy
application in many cases and the insurer has to set aside reserves to
cover the face amount of the policy plus pay the agent's commission. It
would appear the insurer is taking a huge risk, but it is not.
Insurance actuaries have studied behavior data
extensively and their ability to predict risk based on that data makes
policy issuance an investment and not a roll of the dice.
Using behavior data life insurance companies became the largest and most
financial institutions on
earth, out
earning banks. Their growth has been limited only by government
regulation. Insurance
companies could not have
become the
financial giants they are without peoples' historical behavior
data. Behavior
data is a resource more valuable than oil.
habitual behavior is documented it
reveals not only who
they are at that
point in time but also what role the systems and structures such as our
religions, our
government and political systems, the design of our economies, and the
way we are employed play in
shaping our behavior and thinking.
That information reveals people are highly predictable not only
because of their habits, but also because the structures they live in
play a
role in defining what they can actually do, somewhat like canals that
direct the flow of water to a particular location.
Your habitual behavior is part of "the Force," regardless of whether
you control it or it is simply carrying you along without recognizing
or understanding what is
At the time I was
providing sales training to life insurance agents and wanted to
improve the long-term success of new agents as well as clients for the
self-help programs we carried. Actuarial data
made it clear people's habitual behavior affected how long they would
live, the disabilities they may suffer, their general level of health
and their financial
status. I was
frustrated with the fact that in spite of having
excellent information, training and a salary from insurers in a highly
supportive environment most
new agents failed anyhow. Providing them with knowledge alone was not
enough to ensure their success and I wanted
to know why.
looked into
organizations like Weight Watchers and Alcoholics
Anonymous, both of which offered behavior change programs. To me,
neither organization consistently
produced behavior change for the majority of their
customers. However, the military had perfected
changing recruits' behavior in a matter of months into people who will
kill others on command without question. In the same way McDonald's
automated many of the processes involved
in running fast food restaurants, the military
automated behavior change.
military's systems and processes can be based on pure fiction, as
the war in Vietnam and later the fabrication of the weapons of mass
destruction lie in Iraq has shown, and the process is devoid of any
ethics or morality. The behavior change they create in recruits
and the
killings, murders, rapes, and torture that occur
under their watch testify to that fact. I wanted to know
how they did it and why it worked.
The Empire
relative who owned Bowie Race Track outside the Beltway in DC and
Freehold Raceway in NJ at the time and who was friends with J
Edgar Hoover, I
was able
to access information that
put me on a path to
understanding how the
military changed recruits' behavior and controlled their thinking.
Routine change, total compliance and submission to the mission were all
part of the process.
was fortunate
enough to gain insight into the understanding that behavior and
thinking are
completely malleable, which challenged the idea that the human
condition was divinely or fatalistically inspired. Documents I saw
outlined research indicating agency belief that this was the case,
including some discussing objectives of the infamous MKUltra
My work
with insurance companies and access to actuaries studying habitual
behavior, along with insight into military indoctrination led
me to understand our vulnerability as infants necessitates a process in
which over time we are made to and learn to act a particular way long
before we learn to think. Those
actions become habits and the habits become lives.
Once we are
habitually bound, we are like coal cars full of ping pong balls being
hauled down the tracks. The rails and the constraints of the
car walls determine who we are and where we are going, but the ping
pong balls, which represent our minds, delusively believe they are
controlling the process.
When I spoke about these concepts in training sessions I asked
the question "Do we act because of the way we think or do we
think because of the way we act?" Most people were inclined to respond
that we act because of the way we think. But I frequently observed
situations in which people adapt their thinking to justify the way they
habitually act, and their actions were indoctrinated into them long
before they rationally could decide if in fact they should be behaving
the way they do.
it to say, the gatekeepers of the processes determining our actions
pose a serious threat to our existence if we do not
understand what is going on. Accepting low wages, watching them destroy
any savings we have bailing out crooked bankers,
miring us
in debt, brainwashing us to want things because they can and
encouraging us to spend whatever we have on credit cards charging
interest loan sharks would die for, corrupting the institutions we rely
on so that like the Google Maps example cited earlier, we can never get
on the right course, and injecting us with TV heroin so
we sit in a stupor front of oooohhh, ahhhh,
giant flat panel
TV's and temporarily forget what is going on around us, are all
part of that process. All
of these things can be changed and
should be.
is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that
they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by
arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time
for rebellion." - Aristotle in Politics (J. Sinclair
translation, pg. 226, 1962) or for a slightly less intellectual
hard to remember our
original intention to drain the swamp when we are up to our ass in
alligators." - Unknown Jedi Master
Years later Edward
Snowden's disclosure that the NSA was collecting behavior data on
everyone globally made
me realize the NSA was collecting the same data insurance
companies used
to determine behavioral outcomes on the general population, but in far
greater volume and covering more areas of people's lives.
not everyone
in the world is a terrorist, especially when you consider the fact that
the NSA collects data on everyone, including members of governments
who are
and the small number of states that can be defined as harboring or
breeding terrorists, it was clear to me that the true purpose of the
NSA's data collection
program is about changing and controlling people's behavior in a direct
threat to one's life and liberty of thought. They are trying to
tap into and use our behavioral habits against us. With
the massive
processing capacity available
today the military is in a position to design behavior control programs
propaganda having significant impact, and the
cost of
analyzing and processing this data to find behavioral patterns and
processes is decreasing.
was easy to find documentation proving surveillance is about
controlling your behavior, for the purposes of the Empire. The military
producing detailed manuals describing how behavior data gathered from
surveillance is to be used by the military and its contractors to
and control citizen's behavior - yours, mine, and everyone
Consider them gifts from
the military. They
include the following:
The 2007
US Department of the Army Field Manual No. 3-05.301,
Psychological Operations
Process Tactics,
and Procedures,
on page 43
Chapter 2 Phase
II: Target Audience Analysis describes the use of surveillance data for
behavior change:
analysis (TAA) formally begins upon receipt of
the Psychological Operations objectives (POs), supporting Psychological
Operations objectives (SPOs), and potential target audience list
(PTAL). The
Target Audience Analysis Model (TAAM) provides the framework by which
Soldiers identify and study TAs. Using the TAAM, PSYOP soldiers examine
motivations and consequences of behavior to determine how best to
influence the
TA. The end products of TAA are the PSYOP arguments used
and approach to obtain the desired behavior from the TA) and
actions that the U.S. military and its allies can take to influence the
behavior of selected foreign audiences.
is the cornerstone
of effective PSYOP. To change a group’s
behavior, PSYOP Soldiers must understand why
behaves as it does. Conducting effective TAA is one of the most vital
that a PSYOP Soldier can cultivate. PSYOP will be ineffectual or even
detrimental to mission accomplishment without this critical analysis of
the TA.”
My comments on the
abbreviations used:
= target audience analysis is the study of the behavior data of the
target audience. The NSA's
surveillance operations provide the
information needed
to understand and design programs to change the behavior of target
audiences. Given the global
reach of surveillance, one must assume everyone is a target.
TA = the target
audience, which is
you, I and
SPOs = the Supporting
objectives is simply military speak for changing our behavior to
do their bidding.
quest for control of people's
behavior is
not a new objective for government and its agencies. They have
been working on the development of processes to understand and control behavior
for at least 60 years.
In one of many examples, the
Supreme Court case John Cary Sims et al. v. Central
Intelligence Agency
et al.,
in paragraph 2 reports the fact that the CIA sponsored extensive
research "concerning chemical,
biological, and
radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations
to control human behavior"
1953. That
is 60 years before any agency could blame terrorism as the pretext
for their conduct.
The 60 year quest for methods to control your behavior
proves beyond any doubt the threat of terrorism is being deliberately overblown by
people who have a lengthy history
of lying
and using pretexts
or false information to hide their true objectives now that
the military has systematic programs for mass behavior change.
Name one politician or military official you so totally trust you
would subject the rest of your life and that of your
children to have them direct your thoughts and your
life. That offensive idea has even greater consequence when
consider the fact that these people
delegate responsibility
for these operations to police forces that harbor members willing to
murder citizens on the street and to military personnel who were
deceived by lies from George Bush and his accomplices about
weapons of mass
that never existed and as a result participated in actions that
killed innocent women and children.
So the deceivers delegate to the people captured in the images
brutal cops and military personnel who are blinded to truth
and seem to be able to get away with murder and rape as weapons of
war, which is a war crime.
That is not an opinion.

The following list taken from the next link identifies the intended
goals of projects
to infect our
minds and behavior, starting 60
years ago.
This list talks about the use of chemicals (like a pill)
to create these conditions, while numerous other experiments took place
with various types of technology
to do the same thing. The real issue is the behaviors
they are trying to create, not the use of chemicals or technology,
which I put a
line through to focus on the desired behaviors:
- Substances which will promote
illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient
would be discredited in public.
- Substances which increase
the efficiency of mentation and perception.
- Materials which will
cause the victim to age faster/slower in maturity.
- Materials which will
promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
- Materials which will
produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible
way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.
- Materials which will cause
temporary/permanent brain damage and loss of memory.
- Substances which will
enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and
coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing".
- Materials and
physical methods
which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during
- Physical methods of
shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of
surreptitious use.
- Substances which
produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute
anemia, etc.
- Substances which will
produce a chemical that can cause blisters.
- Substances which
alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the
recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.
- A material which will
cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its
influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under
- Substances which will
lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when
administered in undetectable amounts.
- Substances which
promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties,
preferably without permanent effects.
- A
knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks,
food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use,
provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on
an ad hoc basis. (Do you think its possible Bill Cosby was a really a
secret agent
testing knockout chemicals on women on behalf of the government!
Feeling them up was part of the pay? Maybe he could claim as much in
his own defense.)
- A
material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes
and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to
perform physical activity.
nothing else the list shows you how dangerous the evil
the Empire
is. The continuing search for ways to control our minds and
all credibility for terrorism
The real mission is controlling your mind and behavior,
Force or your bliss or your hopes and dreams or whatever else you might
call it, and what you need to
about is the threat posed to everyone's
future with a corrupt state operating these programs.
regarding Project MKUltra, the
military operation that was the subject of the
John Cary Sims
lawsuit in the link above also reveal the agencies involved had
no problem harming or even killing unsuspecting
victims in the quest for control of their minds.
helpless patients in institutional care who were secretly used as
guinea pigs. Their
complete disregard for everyone standing in their way
continues to this day as the use
of pretexts to go
to war and the torture revelations under Bush and
Obama show.
Current governments are as willing
and capable of inhuman acts in the pursuit of controlling behavior as
the Nazis were in
World War 2, with the only difference being the government's
excuse is national security.
STP 33-3711-OFS Officer Foundation Standards
Psychological Operations (37A) Officer's Manual trains officers
in managing
behavior control and propaganda missions. The
is interesting because Figure P-1 lists useful academic
disciplines officers should have a background, and which cover just
about every
aspect of human life. These disciplines are targets for
manipulation and control. The
intent is to
infiltrate or even worse, work cooperatively
with organizations in these fields to manipulate
the information we
decisions with to control our behavior.
It looks like it is not too hard with broadcasters. They are slobbering all over their shirts to buy
influence with
discussion of controlling citizens' behavior must
consider the military's systematic processes to detect and alter patterns of life in the general population.
Confidence in these processes explains governments' push to use
behavior control and
propaganda programs
their citizens.
In the meantime, the media the government is infiltrating and infecting
with their propaganda, such as social media, is considered so dangerous
the Colorado
of Public Safety among others encourages law enforcement officers and
military personnel to eliminate or minimize their entire
social media
footprint on Facebook, Twitter and so on to protect their identity and
The Colorado
of Public Safety
directive also includes statements consistent with the
instructions setting the stage for the Stanford Prison Experiment,
which is to paint others as criminals to justify their
mistreatment. In this case people who object to the CIA's
"Detention Interrogation" program are identified as possible enemies of
the nation. However, the whitewashed name "Detention
actually refers to the deliberate torture, abuse, sexual assault, rape
sodomy, attacks on
religion, deliberate and calculated destruction of people's minds, some
of which the abusers photographed for posterity. I guess they
trophy shots proving their alignment with evil. I wonder
if the Nazis murdering Jews in World War II got trophies too. Oh
yeah, I forgot. The prisoners' teeth were pulled out for the
The official "Detention
label is pure propaganda. There are international laws and
prohibitions against such conduct and the entire world, except for the
dictators and corrupt governments the US administration allied with,
objected to it. Calling these objections evidence of
sympathy is absurd. I guess everyone in the world that
to torture and other state sanctioned evil is a terrorist.
But if
that is not the case, then let's start
teaching classes in school that kids others don't like should be hauled
into a back lane and sodomized, beaten, and have guard dogs attack
them to get the point across. Have one of the girls
put her put her foot on the target's back holding a cigarette and post
the picture on Facebook. It is even better if she is giving a
thumbs up.
In the next linked document issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security Extremism and Radicalization Branch, titled "Rightwing
Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in
Radicalization and Recruitment" is another
textbook case
mirroring the Stanford Prison Experiment.
The document is for "federal,
local, and tribal counter terrorism and law enforcement officials."
In setting the stage for the experiment it should be noted that these
officials have government jobs, salaries, pensions, and job
security benefits well beyond citizens in the private sector.
government employees in most
receive greater total
compensation than
similarly educated and experienced private-sector employees
work for large employers. Public-employee wages in nearly all states
fall below those paid in the private sector, but fringe benefits –in
particular health and retirement benefits – are
significantly more generous in
than in the private
sector. In addition,
public employees in every state have greater job security than they
would likely enjoy outside of government."
“It is difficult to get a man to
understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding
it.” - Upton Sinclair
Government employees who are immune to private sector economic
conditions for the most part and who have permanent employment and job
security, and who like everyone else cannot afford to lose their jobs,
and who most likely are legally prevented from whistle blowing or
disclosure, and who are told to hide their roles in society, are being
"staged" for confrontational conduct with free citizens with the
following storyline:
may be gaining
new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues.
The economic
and the election of the first African American president present unique
drivers for right
radicalization and recruitment.
consequences of a prolonged economic downturn—including real estate
foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit—could
create a fertile recruiting environment for right wing extremists and
even result in confrontations between such groups and government
authorities similar to those in the past.
have capitalized on the election of the first African American
president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members,
mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal
through propaganda.
current economic and political climate has some similarities to the
1990s when right wing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely
by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and
the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign
the 1990s, these issues contributed to the growth in the number of
domestic righ-wing terrorist and extremist groups and an increase in
violent acts targeting government facilities, law enforcement officers,
banks, and infrastructure sectors.
of these groups subsided in reaction to increased government scrutiny
as a result of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and disrupted plots,
improvements in the economy, and the continued U.S. standing as the
preeminent world power.
possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of
military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into
their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist
groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those
groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented
(based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and
those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in
favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority
entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a
single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans likely would
attract new members into the ranks of right-wing extremist groups, as
well as potentially spur some of them to begin planning and training
for violence against the government. The high volume of purchases and
stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by right wing extremists in
anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country
continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement.
veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to
right wing extremists.
is only one problem with this entire story. Every one of
conditions are the result of government
policy. The government's mismanagement of the economy and
regulate corruption in the banking industry resulted in a $20 trillion
dollar loss to the public which included real estate
unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit. More
targeting of Muslims and Mexicans who are displacing blacks as an
underclass were all
created by the policies of successive administrations. In the
Empire section which should be up shortly, the
government's global military policy has eliminated any idea of America
as a leader. It is now beyond doubt the US is a bully and
quite dangerous to world peace. To teach a group of
government workers that everyone else in the nation who object to
failures are extremists, is a massive fraud.
of allowing the public debate to focus on back doors for Apple iPhone
and encryption in the name of the terrorism lie, someone should start
asking very serious and direct
questions about the behavior control programs described in
the linked military manuals.
If you are religious and have faith
of any kind, as a simple foil you can also demand answers to the
question of whether
or not the 2007
US Department of the Army Field Manual No.
Psychological Operations
Process Tactics,
and Procedures Manual is considered a replacement for the Bible, the
Torah or the
holy Al-Qur'an, the manuals that until now many believe are the
guides on how we supposed to think and act. And if Field Manual No.
3-05.301 is then are the
for the new God
of Government
Military Messiah the guys in the pictures posted above? Do we
them Ministers of Mayhem, Rabbis of Rape, or simply Disciples of
Deception? If we are now to have yet another religion, let's
everybody has titles.
bad news that arrogant and self-worshiping politicians, the
military and their agents believe
they are qualified and have
the right to
control and modify
citizens' behavior for purposes they
decide. Not only do their actions undermine
confidence in
government, they also damage customer relationships with the companies
they buy
and services from by forcing these companies to participate in spying
on their customers. Then governments lie
about how
widespread the programs are and provide
immunity to companies that do agree to spy on their customers
undermines all forms of freedom and is being systematically spread
throughout the globe, emboldening the officials of smaller states to
conduct themselves in the same manner as the Brotherhood of
Darkness. Lining up behind this malignant
virus are the supporters of the Trans Pacific Plague, an agreement
negotiated in
complete secrecy to systematically
strip entire societies of their right to protect themselves, their
children and their environment.
"Those who would give up
Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty
nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, 11 November 1755
I can find no
evidence the public considers
politicians gods. Politicians, the military and their
contractors, as will be shown in
links that were previously posted and are being updated, appear to be
the biggest collection of liars and
thieves on the planet. Its
almost as if the military is whispering in the ear of a collection of
Richard Nixons in the Beltway as well as many NATO countries
are capable of infecting the
public mind to bring it firmly under the control of the military and
allowing them to run corrupt schemes with impunity
as explained by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of
the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration.
If you are looking at terrorism to understand
the collection of surveillance data on everyone you are looking in the
wrong place.
Look at it from the perspective of behavior control and
propaganda and
the real purpose becomes clear.
is not
difficult to see governments cannot do
the job they were elected to
do and
never intended to do in the first place no matter what they said to get
elected. Worldwide they have failed to
continual employment, growth in wages, our education systems, in many
countries health
care for everyone, they cannot keep us from wars, they are not
protecting the
and have sold out to
corporations and wealthy
individuals to rape the
resources for their own gain. The public is unhappy about
it and so
they should
be, which is the real reason governments want to control their
tyrants beat or murdered their citizens so they would submit to the
tyrant's wishes. Governments
decided to corrupt citizens minds with lies and deception - propaganda
first and allow unregulated police
brutality and
militarization to remind
that objecting to
official conduct has severe
is no
question that mentally ill
people murdering innocent people is a scourge, and a problem we must
strive to fix. In
this time of
debate about gun control, history offers a valuable perspective.
The refugees in these
images are fleeing nations in which the people are not armed and are
unable to become so.
Governments and
their militaries have proven to be a greater threat to freedom and
liberty than legions of those who are mentally ill. While no
should ever
want to resolve disputes militarily, the right to bear arms is not
something you have to look back to the founding fathers to understand
and take direction
on. As pointed out in an earlier quote by Richard Feynman, we
at the beginning of time for the human race, and now you have inherited
responsibility for founding that future. At least one nation
people somewhere in the world must have the ability to stand up to all
forms of oppression by corrupt governments to ensure
entire world does not fall
prey to tyranny.
of relying
on the news media to spew
doctored views of the world, ask
the significant
number of American citizens who own guns and who rush out to buy
more whenever government
threatens action to limit their purchase or take them away, if they
also feel
the greatest threat to their future is
terrorists in
their midst or
their government. Then ask them if any government,
their own
moves to take away their freedom or harm their children what action
are willing to take.
owners' honest answers are the simple truth of the
nothing else. Do not assume for one moment that the 40%
of Americans that own guns are delusional and cannot sense the tremors
in society that are occurring with the conduct their government tries
to conceal at every turn.
you get to the
bottom of the middle east situation you will find its cause is control of their oil and expansion
of military
power. Now
ask those gun owners one more question, if their government came in and
their neighborhoods, killed their children, and spread lies
provoke fights and discord with their neighbors, how would they
react? I suspect their answers will not be all that different
than those of the
victims of these actions in the countries the US and other
countries attack. The same was true of American government
conduct in Vietnam (link).
exists a law, not written down anywhere, but in our hearts; a law which
comes to us not by training or custom or reading; a law which has come
to us not from theory but from practice; not by instruction but by
natural intuition: I refer to the law which lays it down that, if our
lives are endangered by plots or violence or armed robbers or enemies,
any and every method of protecting ourselves is morally right." - Marcus
Tullius Cicero (106
BC-43 BC) Roman
Orator and Statesman at the trial of T. Annius Milo in 52 BC
much as it may
concern you to accept it, America
is one of the
few countries that has gun
owners and the NRA to
offer at least some kind of a counterbalancing
force to corruption in government. However it is almost a
certainty that in addition to militarizing the police, the
will find an excuse in direct violation of the American constitution to
deploy the
army in the streets, exhibiting an overwhelming superiority in
"What country can preserve its
if their rulers are not warned
from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?
Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Jedi, in a
Letter to
Stephens Smith, Nov. 13, 1787
"Before a
standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in
almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot
enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people
are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular
troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A
military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but
such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they
will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the
inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them
unjust and oppressive." - Noah
Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal
Constitution (Philadelphia 1787).
Fortunately the
military has
demonstrated how
their behavior
change and propaganda systems are and has written the operating
manuals identified
this site explaining
to implement behavior
change and propaganda programs.
Name one other behavior change
program you know of that can teach someone how to kill or murder
anyone in matter of months,
including women and children, blow up their homes and families, steal
resources, destroy their countries, rape and torture their women and
men, deliberately infiltrate
and corrupt medical professions and religions, ignore sovereign borders
and governments, lie constantly, shut down all forms of thinking and
questioning in exchange for an
education, medical care and a job they cannot get any other way
and are willing to sell their souls for a few bucks to get, and then get everyone to
wear the
same clothes and yell "hooah" "hooyah" or
if they start as [an] ordinary modern political party or organisation,
to prepare and force their members to act without asking any moral
question and act selflessly for the cause of the group and ignore all
the ethical, cultural, moral or religious codes of the society and
humanity, those organisations have to change into a cult." -
Masoud Banisadr
In summary, people
are directed by
the force of habits they have been programmed with from an early age.
This behavior and
the systems and structures in the societies
live in make us highly predictable. The "Force" of
habit will carry us along
in a consistent manner unless we recognize the influence our habits and
these systems and structures have over us and
control of the entire process ourselves. It is at that
point that we are on the way to being Jedi.
Our habitual
behavior and
the systems and structures we live in are changeable. UBER the ride
service demonstrated this is the case by creating an alternative to the
taxi cab infrastructure the
public was dissatisfied with, basically by ignoring it and replacing it
with a completely
different model which spread around the world in 5 years to 68
The UBER model worked because it had a ready market in customers fed up
with the status quo of incumbent systems which had become exploitive
and whose service had risen in cost and declined in quality.
was able to spread quickly
with a new structural model, ride sharing and a simple and
straightforward way to implement it. Anyone owning a
smartphone now has a supercomputer in their pocket,
and ride
sharing capitalizes on the smartphone's real time connectedness to
change everything.
The entire world is ripe for change because so many things are not
working the way they should, offering a tremendous opportunity for
everyone. It is fantastic news that systematic behavior change and
propaganda have finally been shown to be viable processes.
Any confusion or doubt that one can change just about everything in
their life is gone. It's a matter of understanding and
implementing the
also cannot emphasize
strongly enough the importance of understanding
the impact
systems and structure have on your past, present and future and how
ignoring and
replacing broken systems and structures is one of the
keys, a weapon or strategy for achievement along with defeating the
Lucifer Discipline to restore just governance.
And, if you are afraid that any of this conflicts with whatever
religious beliefs you may have, don't be, trying to improve personally
and help others, while learning to understand and control forces you
sense but have no idea how to deal with is a positive thing.
In the same way evil is generated by corrupt processes in
governments, so can the infrastructure of religion be corrupted by
similar processes. Without even touching on the validity of
in any religion, the fact that certain people in the Catholic Church
a structure to hide and move pedophiles within its ranks is evidence
that that is the case.
The Catholic Church covered up abuse of children by 150 priests in
alone for years until the Boston Globe Spotlight team investigated it
and exposed it in great detail,
which then became the movie Spotlight that was recently
If this site seems like it is an anti-American, anti-government
rant it
is not. America is one of the greatest experiments in freedom and
self-governance to be tried on earth to date. But just as the
fathers anticipated, those in power will try to destroy the
experiment and appear on their way to accomplishing that
I have known for more than 40 years that the military is
trying to perfect behavior change and they appear to have advanced that
process to the point that in the right hands and for the right purpose
it can be transformative to society. Behavior change is a
that can be deployed with a high degree of precision.
What is hard for people to get their heads around is the confusing
guidance society and religion teaches. Our
parents, our religions for those that have them, our
educational systems, and the authority figures that are responsible for
our day to day lives all contribute to the problem.
Fortunately I
can clear that up for
you right now, with the help of
two of the greatest scientific minds that have lived in this century.
no respect
whatsoever for authority; forget who said it and instead look what he
starts with, where he ends up, and ask yourself, "Is it reasonable?"
- Richard
P. Feynman
The Illusion
other things recruits are attracted to military service with
of education and benefits, which biases their judgment. The
military then tightly controls what recruits do and the information
make decisions with.
Missions are propagandized
to justify military action and the facts are hidden from the public and
military personnel.
illusion of superiority and patriotism
insulates recruits from the fact that that they may be part of a
How many people are willing to admit they bought a lie from
the brilliant mind of George Bush and went out and murdered innocent
based on it? Nope. Take any innocent person that dared to
shoot back and build a fictional justification in your mind that you
in constant danger from radicals everywhere you
turned. Or you can run out to the movies and watch American
Sniper and
sit back in your seat with fellow citizens and be propagandized with
the image of
the young woman and little boy attacking our "boys" who had to blow
their heads off. Shed a little tear and
swallow the justification that dangerous times call for desperate
measures. Now hang a flag of freedom on the white pole in
front yard and be confident the rain will wash off the BS.
The history of propagandizing others to justify violence against them
is nothing new, and it is not confined to enemies outside our borders,
nor do these enemies have to be capable of shooting back. If
can be made scapegoats for any purpose, they can be
Clicking on the picture of the hanging man which has a link will show
numerous examples of home-grown murder. For fun, try and
create a
list of all the reasons why the people in these links should be
treated this way.
the advent of the Internet and journalism reporting factual
information on sites like WikiLeaks, the Intercept and Guardian, and Public Intelligence among others
undermines military propaganda
with the
result that military personnel are prevented from accessing information
on these sites. The
military's efforts to block access
to factual information and disguise lies to look like completely
legitimate objectives offers insight into the importance
of the overall story in behavior control and propaganda
The military suggests you can be in the military and serve God and county,
yet it is not clear how God being in their corner is served by denying
recruits access to the factual information
everyone else in the world sees is consistent with that story, unless
it is a propaganda prop meant to play to whatever audience they think
they can recruit.
the story in the confines of the military is far easier than with the
general public. Military personnel sign agreements obligating them to
protect state secrets. Their pay, advancement and educational
opportunities are controlled, and they are indoctrinated in a cult
like web to conform to the group. They are sent out on missions in
which even the slowest minds eventually have to figure out that in many
cases the
public face of the mission was completely misrepresented.
understand what happens in this case you only have to think of what
would happen to your own
mind if you were told to kill a group of the enemy and then find out
that they were not an enemy at all. Essentially an act of war
an act of murder. If you are an atheist, it is your
conscience you have
to deal with and if you answer to a God for your sins then you have to
figure out how to con God to get into heaven. Or, your mind twists into
form of delusional
thinking justifying everyone you serve with was a friend and
everyone you killed was the enemy,
perpetually binding you to the military delusion to avoid reality.
Referring back again to the
STP 33-3711-OFS Officer Foundation Standards II
Psychological Operations (37A) Officer's Manual
Figure P-1 the list of disciplines described as useful illustrate the
importance of being able to control the story to pull off behavior
control in the public sphere. Tailoring the story the public sees
involves a multi disciplinary approach covered by the disciplines
listed in Figure P-1.
The disciplines listed are primarily useful in advanced
societies like NATO countries where the military and government have
infiltrated news outlets, the media, advertising and educational
systems, the real battleground. But I
suppose they could apply to a bunch of goat herders in the desert too,
right? After all, I am sure they have TV, multiplex cinemas,
to school, read newspapers, and respond to public relations campaigns
delivered by camels. And let us not forget how well received American
military personnel are after
bombing the daylights out of everything that represents life to these
I would like to add a word of optimism to this sitebook. I
discovered the use of people's historical behavior data by insurance
companies and the way the military accomplished behavior change over
40 years ago. Amazingly, this information has not been translated
into a tool for use by the general public in any meaningful way since
then. As I am now reviewing military documents and the
exploitation of their personnel to basically destabilize the entire
world, I
had another aha moment.
The military has invested in and has created a fantastic model for
change, but is applying it in a way that will guarantee its
defeat. The reality of the military mission is that they are
using legitimate processes for human development for the conduct of
evil. Their missions are mainly based on complete and total lies
motivated by morally bankrupt politicians and their handlers who are
by greed and power. They also smack of great cowardice. Cheney is a
good example of that.
Anyone can murder women, children and poor and
people with superior strength and weapons. It has been done
for centuries under all kinds of false pretenses. One of the best
pretexts I recently read was the church centuries ago advocating that
stealing indigenous people's lands and occupying them it was
liberating these people from their ignorance.
I guess using that logic priests
that molest children are liberating them from their
innocence. They
have to
grow up sometime, right? And
religions that treat women like second class citizens and chattels are
liberating them from their uncontrolled desire to be promiscuous, so
that they can remain dedicated to their husbands. Thank God
perverts and religious bullies parading as do
It struck me when reading through the materials I am preparing for the
Empire section that the military has to cover everything up with lies,
propaganda and secrecy. There
is no way to disclose the truth to the citizens of the
world and the personnel who are in the military without someone waking up
like in the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, and realizing the whole
military mission is one big lie. If the truth can set you
free, then why are the militaries and governments of the world spending
so much time hiding
Later in this site I explain the challenge I faced in training
insurance personnel who were voluntary participants. Unless I could
convince them of the correctness of their own personal "mission"
whatever I did
would not work. If I had to lie constantly, the only way to
that off would be if I had the overreach of the military. Unfortunately
for the military, they don't have the reach they think they have any
more than I did. There
is a huge number of people not only in America but also all over the
world who know exactly what is going on.
The military's actions globally to make sure no one is capable of
defending themselves is the greatest act of cowardice on earth. ISIS
provides a temporary reprieve and a way to unite American allies for a
while, but the big problem is their allies have all learned from the
US. Many of them, like the leaders in Turkey and the Ukraine,
morally bankrupt and totally corrupt or both. Saudi
Arabia's leaders
would end up in jail if they were citizens of truly democratic states
that enforced human rights and they brought their conduct with
them. And the radical groups America uses by proxy to attack
nations it wants
to destroy absolutely cannot be trusted. There is simply no
among thieves.
China, Russia and the BRICS members
recognize American administrations for what they have become, two faced
liars and
have all
jumped ship.
They will bow and play nice until they no longer have to,
wearing a huge condom to avoid being infected by the
relationship. It is pretty easy to deal with foreign policy like this
everyone else reads
the same hymn book. Let's call it Durex Diplomacy.
The military has the luxury, if you dare call it that, of having
recruits who NEED a job, education and health care, and who are
repeatedly told America is the greatest and God backs their mission.
Basically, it's all WrestlemMania 101.
They then put military personnel in
a situation in which their habitual behavior is blown away and use the
fear of constant threats that they are saving America from to put them
in a psychological box that there is no
way out of. Foreign policy creates hornets' nests recruits are thrown
into. That
experience convinces them there are real enemies out there, as long as
they never
see the idiots hammering the hornet's nests. The truth is
anyone can be made to be an enemy if you bully, threaten and rob them
for long enough. That is why the
military restricts so many sites that disclose what they and the
government are really up
American foreign policy is destabilizing the entire world, and they are
trying to create a world of enemies, with military personnel so
completely indoctrinated that central command can use them to try and
bash the entire world into their vision of reality. But there
one huge problem. It's all a lie, and you cannot build any
kind of
great nation on lies, intimidation, political and corporate corruption,
and the spread of human destruction.
History shows nations built
on these foundations always fail. They can create hell on earth for a
while though, as the US and its allies are already doing for the
thousands of people in boats and traveling overland with their
families. Or like people in Cuba living under an embargo
Cuba is an interesting lesson. They have a decent health care
system without the great winning God of American policy helping
them. How is that possible? Does not all that is
great and
wonderful come from America? Or is the constant fear of the financial
cost of illness and disability just another way to subjugate American
citizens to the tyranny of market forces?
That is not
to say other nations have not contributed to the destruction of humanity for similar purposes. But, as the
people gloating over Donald Trump's loss in Iowa show, the hatred for
someone bragging they are winners, they never lose and everyone else is
stupid and a loser really comes back to bite the braggart. Trumps
ego and hubris could well sink him in the long run.
There was a time when
America was the nation of Superman, Buck Rogers and John
anymore. It is now just one dangerous parody
forcing its
will on the world, in a time when it has the tools and the capacity to
be so much
more. That is not to say a strong military is not desirable.
is, but in my opinion, great societies should advance on their massive
capacity to invent, create educated and upwardly mobile citizens, and
leave everyone else in their dust with how well the entire nation is
doing. Advanced weaponry is part of the mix.
Attacking a
state like that should be simple suicide.
good news is that at the end of the day if the tyrants and bullies are
not stopped now you can
have absolute assurance their inevitable fate is to look like the
picture, just
like the rest of us. All of the power and money they collect
the brutality they inflict won't cheat death. Ask a Pharaoh.
Behavior Change in a Voluntary Environment
continued selling self-help materials but began to take note of the
fact that many of my clients never actually used them. These
programs cost the equivalent of $3,100 each
today, which is not cheap for a bunch of tapes and blank pages (the
goals book). At that price people may have thought
they would emanate some sort of magic rays that
improved their lives.
I tried following up with the people who
had these materials to help them get the benefits they expected from
owning them, with limited success. The
clients all expressed a
genuine desire for improvement, so clearly something had to be at work
to stop them from taking advantage of the materials they
purchased. It
has been suggested
people may be
lazy. I
don't think so. I doubt that anyone who has the chance to do more of
what is important to them will not do so if they can. Being
badly behaviorally conditioned and confused
by too many variables and disinformation seemed to be the real problem.
People do not know what to do and their childlike ability to try
anything has been blunted by their upbringing.
the fact that I could not force people who voluntarily came
into the insurance business to do what they are told to do, I began to
research various types of conditioning and stress triggers, which lead
to an understanding of homeostasis. Uncertainty and
fear of the unknown are powerful stressors, which can in the context of
human behavior cause an inability to perform the tasks at
As an example, if a person is concerned that they may fail because they
do not have even rudimentary knowledge of the job they are to do, or if
failure to do what is required could cause someone serious injury,
typically they will be reluctant to move forward.
Hostage by the Dark Side
this point I need to explain homeostasis, the physiological
process that can impede change in our lives and hold us hostage to our
habits - a component of the dark side of the yin and yang of our
internal processes.
we are trained, taught, or behaviorally conditioned
by our upbringing, habitual behavior is an automated, no thinking
required process whose continuity is maintained by a physiological
process called homeostasis. It is
actually a wonderful process when the right thinking and habits are
maintained automatically. For example, when you drive to work every day
if you have been doing it for a long time you just suddenly arrive.
Like breathing, unconscious habits are
subtle and you do not notice they are happening.
Can you imagine what
your life would be like if for every day of your life you constantly
had to pay attention so you would not
mess your pants?
you want to change your habitual behavior, things get interesting.
Everything I studied suggested a
universal approach to changing our lives is to
alter our thinking. Religions call it being reborn by the
renewing of
your mind. Learning new ways of doing things sounds incredibly simple,
right? Just rethink it.
However in all of the materials I studied none pointed out how powerful
the process that limits or prevents changes
from occurring is. When I was training life insurance people it
that hidden physiological
was not aware of that
took over after they nodded their head yes that scuttled change.
is explained in layman's terms in the attached links here and here.
A simple explanation for homeostasis
is that it is a physiological process that maintains a constant state
of equilibrium, or in plain English “sameness" in bodily systems. Where
homeostasis is problematic is in its relationship to stress.
Stress is invoked when things change. It does not matter if
changes are positive such as getting a better job, or negative like a
family member becoming ill or dying, both events are stressful. It also
does not matter if the events are real or imagined. Imaginary
fear is just as stressful and perhaps more so.
When change events occur the event or "stressor"
invokes a
homeostatic response. That response, depending on how you perceive the
event can be a dull nagging feeling or like the shock from a taser.
Institute of
Stress discusses stress on its website which gives you an
of the current thinking on stress.
Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory
an attempt to assign stress
measurement values to life changes, or from another perspective, how
big is the shock you get from the event occurring. To
relationship between life's events, stress, and homeostasis look at the
table and spend a moment trying to really visualize the
death of a spouse, a child, a mother or father or anyone else you care
deeply about and you will gain insight into stress as a homeostatic
trigger. Even imagining these events can be stressful and
a physiological shock to your body.
effort to assign stress
measurement values to life changes
can be found in the Federal
Occupational Health table listing the Common Signs &
Signals of
a Stress Reaction. It lists
75 types of response triggered by stress in 4 categories. You
might sweat,
your heart could beat faster, you get tired, your mother whines, your
spouse cries, you fall asleep. Who would have
trying to change your habits
could cause some of the reactions cited in the Federal
Occupational Health link?
The Federal
Occupational Health
Table describes trauma being caused by a "horrible event." However if
you refer back
to the Holmes -Rahe Stress Inventory
you can see that of the first 18 items listed in the table 9 are
positive events and almost all never happen alone when they
occur, piling up the impact on your body. For example items
16, and
19 in the Holmes-Rahe table most likely happen within close proximity
to each other and may involve other changes on the list.
Homeostasis is also not completely personal to you. Those
around you have a habitual view of you that
is maintained by their habits of thought, their comfort zone.
families the lives of spouses and children are also impacted by stress
events, disrupting the
homeostatic equilibrium of family group, further compounding the stress
homeostatic effect.
When you see an old friend you have not seen for years, do you see the
person they are now or the old friend they used to be? If the
friend was rowdy and fun loving, always up for a laugh, and the
new version of the friend has turned sad, mostly negative about life,
and shockingly different than you remember them, whose behavior
adapts? Do they go back to the person they were, or do you
have to change your view of them? What you feel about it is a
homeostatic reaction.
family and circle of acquaintances are collectively a homeostatic
system, and changes in a member of the group triggers a group response
to resist the change. Try telling your mother you want to move to a
foreign country and volunteer in a hospital for people with little
understood illnesses, or that you want to quit your job and take up
windsurfing, or drop out of school, or leave your spouse. If your hair
is long, cut it all off, or if it is short, stop cutting it. Get a face
tattoo that is washable and pretend it's real. Homeostasis will rear
its head.
Think of homeostasis as living in a pool of molasses in which each
member's actions causes movement that affects others in the pool. Group
homeostasis is a bully. Now think of the Holmes-Rahe table
and imagine how those closest to you react or feel when one of the
events listed in the table occur in your life or theirs. The
reaction you feel exposes the homeostatic system you are all part
of. Moving away from your family and friends is one way to
the influence of this circle, as anyone leaving home to attend college
a great distance away can attest.
habits can become a real gong show! Trying
to overcome homeostasis and change your habits may give you body odor
or no sex drive! Now you can understand why propaganda
drummed into you over time until it becomes an unconscious habit is so
Robert Sapolsky
is an American neuroendocrinology researcher, professor of biology, and
professor of neurology and neurological sciences and neurosurgery at
Stanford University. He explains in great detail in this video how
stress affects your behavior and how your bodily systems control
your behavior and reduce you having free will. Military
boot camp is one big environmental behavior change mechanism in which
the deliberately programmed environment modifies recruits behavior without permission, as you
may have done as a parent to your young, innocent and malleable
people failed in using personal self-help materials and in the
business was because of homeostasis, which develops from past conditioning. They had become so
unconsciously dependent over time on the behavioral conditioning they
have lived with from an early age, they were unable to overcome the
habit of their behavior driven thinking, and were justifying what they
were doing as being the right way to act. In other words, they were
thinking because of the way they had learned to act. This
problem was compounded by peoples' dependency on authority figures and
their need to be accepted as part of a group.
one example a man from a very close-knit family whose father was a
postman claimed "reliability" was very important to him like his father
who would have been conditioned with the idea the mail must get
through. He could
not be motivated by the thought of making more money, perhaps because
he came from a background in which postal employees had a solid, stable
income through the depression and good postal employees were thankful
to have whatever they
had. But the thought that he would fail his clients by "not
delivering" a proper explanation of the benefits of a
particularly good insurance product the company offered was a stressor
he responded to.
a stress perspective physical threats and threats in your mind
have the same effect on your body. Think
of a phone call saying one of your parents died,
or the impact of being called a terrible name like Nigger, Jew, Muslim,
head, or calling your wife a whore or telling your husband you are
having an affair with his best friend. The emotional
to your system is like receiving
a shock from a frayed electrical
is invoked by these shocks.
the manipulation of the public occurring with the name
calling going on in the media. Depending on which side of the
argument you are on, being called a liberal, a conservative, a right
winger, a labor sympathizer, a union member, a Muslim, a flag burner,
not supporting our "boys" overseas, not being Christian enough, being
radical and so on, are
all verbal Tasers designed to invoke behavior conformity.
I began to understand conditioning I was able to create various
that were applied with each individual's consent and support of the
group they
worked with, to change the way they did things, focusing on their day
to day activities, their behavior first and foremost. In
voluntary situations there
three conditions needed for people to incur behavior change
in the
work they do:
- They
should believe in
- they
should believe in the
organization, group, or company they work for or associate with, and
- they
should believe in
services or products their organization, group,
or company
any of these three conditions are missing, it is difficult to change
voluntarily. People
that regularly violate
the last two of these conditions must have all migrated to Wall Street. That group
has a
culture of selling products produced by enterprises that in many cases
operated criminally and in which profit came before honesty or
integrity. Their products were sold to unsuspecting but
supposedly sophisticated clients who
net worth and should have been cautious. In the 2008 they
precipitated an estimated $20 trillion financial
crisis, and had no problem taking public funds as a bailout for their
malfeasance. They
cried false tears when
collapsed and dumped the whole mess on the public with the help of
our elected governments.
first thing I did was hold group sessions in which we explored the
history of
the companies involved and the products they sold.
We determined the
companies were good firms that had a history of making competitive and
in some
cases exceptional products (our own propaganda, which fortunately just
happened to be true). That
is not
to say all of the products were good, some were real dogs, which was
acknowledged completely.
we all agreed on the quality of the companies and their products, I
brought in several
people whose lives had been affected negatively by agents failing to
them properly on a good product they had purchased in the past. One client had cashed in a policy
instead of
borrowing from it because they needed the money and was now suffering
because he
and his wife had an asset and no cash flow from the policy with which
to make
retirement easier. He
clearly was
distraught about his situation and teared up when he told his story. When these
clients told their story to our groups they realized it was important
for them
to help clients understand the facts and that the work they did had
serious value.
we had to determine what ideal behavior was in terms of representing
company and its products. Determining ideal behavior is important to
create a way to measure performance. I
purchased a Credit Suisse gold wafer from
the bank and brought it to meetings.
passed it around and told everyone to think of the gold bar as being a
they had to sell due to the fact that a large owner of gold was
urgently selling off their gold so that they could use the money for
project. The seller
was prepared to
offer the bars at a discount and pay a generous commission to sellers
who could
move the bars quickly. The
was limited and would not be there for long.
The gold bar example was a visualization technique used to
concerns about the product, the company, and take away any thought the
had that they might not be helping customers.
of selling the gold bars allowed us to define the day-to-day behavior
of people essentially providing a tremendous product clearly benefiting
customers. Their description of idea work effort (behavior) in
these conditions
was to put
in long
hours, talk to everyone, and if they failed to convince a potential
client, get
more help to explain it to prevent their poor communications skills or
the client’s
disbelief from preventing the client taking advantage of a real
opportunity. Everyone in the
group agreed
they owed potential
clients that effort.
description of the gold bar performance became the standard we then
used to require and measure performance in their day today activities
in the real world. On a
personal level anyone not working to that standard clearly
had a
problem of some kind with one of the three conditions. That
problem in turn may have been compounded by homeostasis maintaining the
status quo. As an example, if an agent did not understand the
products available, and was afraid to make an effort to discuss the
products with clients for fear of making a mistake, which may have
impacted his or her self-worth, two conditions had to be
The first was creating product knowledge, and the second was creating
last point was to deal with their belief in themselves. Again, in a
session I explained homeostasis and how things worked.
We discussed our upbringing and what our
parents did. We
talked about what was
important to everyone and we wrote down what that was.
I then got everyone to fill out on a clean sheet
of paper what perfection in a person’s life would be to them. What they
was confidential and private to them, unless they wanted help and
support from
the group to make changes.
Most did in
certain areas which follow the military strategy of binding
individuals to the group. When
grasped the
whole idea and how their upbringing and habits impacted everything they
they all wanted to become supportive of each other.
understood the subtly of
could undermine changes they hoped to make. This technique is
similar to members of a military unit watching each other's back.
everyone in the group wanted to be in the insurance business, and was
because they needed money. I
them to pursue what they really wanted to do, but at the same time
involved in the process we were doing to learn how it worked.
played the role of the group leader. The
difference was however, when I called them I
called from the perspective of me owing them support to help them
the way
they said they wanted to on their clean sheets of paper.
Effectively I worked for them and not the other
way around.
best example of this is to think of a pedal powered bus in which the
pedal to make the bus move. All
of the
have a ticket to go to the same place.
If, however they are in the back of the bus behind the
with the road ahead obscured from view and they only see things as they
pass by, they are not as
willing to risk moving the bus as fast as they could if the layout
the bus was changed so that everyone had a clear view of the road ahead. The ideal bus is one
in which the driver is
at the back and the passengers have a clear view of the road ahead. The driver steers and lubricates
the pedals
and supports the people who get the bus to where it is
going. In
the ideal situation, bumps, turns,
accidents and other impediments to progress are seen by everyone
advance with no surprises.
Managing is different when you say to
the people powering the bus, is there anything you need to help you
complete the tasks on your
clean sheet of paper? Or, I am calling to point out
homeostasis is interfering with you here, rather than
calling to say you
are not pedaling hard enough and the company is unhappy.
That does not mean to say you are managing by consensus with the
bus riders making destination decisions. The destination is
decided in advance (the organization,
group, or
company objective)
and those on board sign on to
go to that destination. In a flexible output
environment such as selling products where the riders benefit
directly from their output, the destination is the company objective
plus the projected collective
output of all of the riders. The driver's obligation is to
sure everyone reaches their output objective.
In any scenario in which you are assisting someone to overcome
homeostasis, it is difficult to ever be considered too
tough, especially with the person's consent. If the three
conditions of belief in the company, the
products and themselves are true, then homeostasis is the likely cause
of performance failure. In that scenario, the manager and the
agents focus on overcoming
homeostasis to save the vulnerable members of the group.
Clients are effectively targets,
and they also have homeostatic resistance issues like everyone
else. Have you ever met someone who wants a salesman knocking on their
door trying to sell them something? The mission is to overcome the
client's homeostatic
by creating a
the client agrees with, and then once the product is delivered,
reinforce the client's acceptance and adoption of the product to create
a center of influence and referral source. Properly done, the agents
and the clients become an ever-expanding group, based on legitimate
benefits and self-interest.
was interesting to observe, which I made sure the group did in group
sessions, was the level of discomfort people felt when confronted with
impact on their behavior homeostasis has.
Changing behavior and resetting homeostasis is a form of
physiological Taser that clearly invokes stress.
easy to watch people get shocked when you are not holding the cord, and
did not take long for everyone to understand how coercive previously
habits are. It
takes real effort to
overcome the leveling process and stress invoked when changing
maintained habits.
a voluntary environment it is necessary to make sure participants are
clear in their mind about what they are doing. The idea of the
clean sheet of paper is to show them they actually can identify what to
do. Once they are clear in their mind and the tasks to getting the job
done have been identified the rest is just about vigorously managing
behavior. The
focus is
only on changing behavior from that point on.
With homeostasis understood the fact that there
is a kind of ball and chain slowing us down, makes it clear
they are in control and just need to get the ball and chain off, or
strap a rocket motor to it and fire it in the direction they want to
go. They then can enlist
group support to remove the ball and keep them on track.
results of this approach in a short time had a significant impact on
sales. However
to make the changes
permanent requires continuing
support over time to reinforce the new behaviors, as is the case with
indoctrination. Saving an agent from homeostasis is similar
preventing them from getting injured.
Essentially, in this situation an agent could potentially go from
making a subsistence
living to establishing habitual behaviors that provide them and their
families with a good living for a long time, and in the process build
up a group of
supportive clients that continually expands. At the time I trained
agents an expanding client base provided continuing residual
income to the agent and stable long-term
returns to their clients, a wi-win situation for everyone. Not
defeating homeostasis was a very negative outcome.
this point I made one of the more serious errors in my life.
was concerned I
would lose this know-how to the insurance companies I provided training
for and quit to hide what I had learned, until
now. I put personal gain and greed before others and I
for doing so.
Amazingly enough, the process I am describing is still not well known
and for some reason the ease with which the military creates people who
will kill and how they use propaganda to justify their actions seems to
overlooked by most people.
you understand what is described in this site and have studied it
yourself, you should not make the same mistake.
more people that get it, the more help
you can get from others, and the world in even the smallest circles can
changed for everyone’s benefit.
behavior is about changing physiologically
A group of like-minded people acting together can accelerate the
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