The books below in PDF format have been read by millions of
people. One of the more widely read books is the Laws to Success,
more popularly known in its condensed form as Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Although there is controversy over whether or not the author Napoleon Hill
actually interviewed the people he claimed he spoke to for the book, the principles espoused therein are
sound. Thinking for yourself and believing in your ability to
accomplish things is legitimate no matter who says it. I was behaviorally driven to look for a savior when I was young as a
result of an abusive upbringing, and believe the mistrust and
irreverence that stems from living with brutality and having to
fight or flee, forces you to trust little and question a lot. To my way of thinking learning to think for and trust in
yourself is critical, and the books attached offer some ideas to get you going in that direction.
It is not included, and I would
not advocate suffocating in the blind faith obedience of corporate religion, Christianity Inc. Yet from what I
can see the teachings of a stunningly aware Jesus in
the new testament (read Cosmic Consciousness by Bucke attached below) are far different than what is sold by
religions, which demand blind faith and obedience to their view of
things. Kind of like the Covid Mafia or the outright criminals in the
intelligence community and military industrial complex.
I read
the bible multiple times in the hope of learning the call signs, like
the Batman signal, to bring SuperGod down to smite my enemies, but I
could not figure out the call sign so SuperGod never arrived. In
searching for
answers I did gain a broader understanding of how things work after
more than 800 books and spending a lengthy stint in an Ashram
in Colorado studying with Mahatmas. The Mahatmas bludgeoned open
mind in the kindest and most polite way possible, stating that what I
thought I knew prevented me from learning anything at all.
I had spent years learning goal setting and it was a complete brain
freeze to shockingly realize goals and beliefs make you and break you. In
fact goal setting may be the
most destructive form of mind shaping you can do if you actually want
to learn anything, which I will explain. The other problem we
fail to grasp is how environmental boxes such as family, school,
education, getting a job and constantly being told what to do and how
to behave actually ruin freedom and thinking. Skinner Boxes in velvet
gloves. "Oh I love my children! We love you too Mommy!) The beginning of the end.
Children For A Very Short Time Are God
Little children become what they think they are at the moment they
imagine and act it out. There is no doubt, fear, or guilt.
From our adult perspective it may appear they are not the perfect
spaceman or
glamor model at the moment they assume the persona, but they actually
are what
they think they are at that moment and it simply is a matter of needing
more practice. Professional
athletes use such visualization in sports. The bible puts it this way
11:22-24 NIV “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go,
throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but
believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you
have received it, and it will be yours." ie Think from a position, not to it, or act as if.
Goals actually establish a minus quantity, like looking at mountains far
away. That places time, distance, and missing quantities in front
of you and delays progress immensely. Acting as if, or being there now reverses the
process. The worst thing is that you are in the workshop moving
ahead and some tools are missing. Can you imagine a ski jumper at
the top of one of those Olympic runs, thinking before they take off "One day in the future I will learn how to go down this ramp and land without killing myself?
Yet in all of this we must forge ahead with a completely open mind, allowing for change and
the possibility that the direction we are going in will likely change completely.
Ralph Waldo Emerson put it this way:
"A Foolish Consistency Is The Hobgoblin Of Little Minds"
One of the most clear minded thinkers I have studied, the Nobel
Prize winning genius physicist named Richard Feynman, explains it this way:
can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much
more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be
wrong. If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we
will leave opportunities for alternatives. We will not become
enthusiastic for the fact, the knowledge, the absolute truth of the
day, but remain always uncertain … In order to make progress, one must
leave the door to the unknown ajar.”
“Science is what we have learned about how to keep from fooling ourselves.”
A parable about blind faith in an all powerful
god taking care of things makes it pretty clear. "A preacher passed a beautiful farm one day and stopped to
congratulate the farmer on how blessed he was in receiving such a
beautiful farm from God. The farmer though it about it for a
minute and said "Yes preacher, but you should have seen the place when
God had it all to himself." Simply put, the only god that touched
the farm wore coveralls, had mud on his boots, and worked the land.
So it is with all of us.
We are also told that human beings were born into a heavenly place on
earth, the Garden of Eden, and we screwed it all up when we were encouraged
by a snake to eat an apple from the tree of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil,
to become like the gods. From
everything I have read and studied, and from
limited but practical scientific understanding, the world and
everything in it started from an infinite and small source and
expanded (the Big Bang Theory), and continues to expand to ever greater
forms today. Religions' view of the process sums it up this way
("In the
beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was
and was not anything made that was not of god.") A tiny spark on the
face of the deep.
are lead to believe only god knows the difference between good and
notwithstanding the fact that in religious lore he created the whole
place and everything in it, including the devil. When I asked the
Mahatmas who created the devil they asked
"Don't you read your bible? God did." As
a creator myself, my spouse and I have children, it seems kind of counterproductive to create a world that
could kill your offspring unless you half hate the little bastards in the
first place.
Garden of Eden allegory implies the created universe, no matter who
or what is responsible for
it, can be evaluated in terms of good and evil if you have god's
knowledge. No matter what formation methodology you believe in, you
being able to pass judgment on the Big Bang or the word of god so
that you can be Godlike and decide the goodness or badness of the
process of creation, is frankly delusional and self defeating. It
implies their is some kind of right way to do things. We may categorize
events in
terms of good or evil because we don't like them, but that may be
our perspective alone, and perspectives change.
The parable of eating the fruit - or simply "the product of" or "the
result of"
trying to make decisions about what is good or evil in order to judge
things like a God, is what
kills us, nothing else. Go tell the Big Bang it screwed up and
you would like to become the judge of the process so you could label
the entire and continuing explosion of the universe in clear and
concise terms of good and evil and make some changes. Having no knowledge at all and yet
believing in your own omnipotence to direct the world and the
resulting disaster it creates can easily be seen in the operation of a
Joe Biden or Justin Trudeau, a couple of delusional nut jobs. What you can do however, is
the flow of events and try to work with them.
Another example of the fall of man which is simpler than listening to a
snake and believing our own BS can be seen in thinking we have infinite
power to control everything
and that events as they unfold can be ignored or judged on our terms. Here is an example.
beings are capable of amazing things, but there are ways of trying to
do things
that have to be learned with an open mind. In the main site to
this link I explain how we learn to act long before we learn to think,
which become habits we later try to justify even though we had little
to do creating them from a young age. Kind of like a person going down
a water slide thinking they are actually steering their own way
down. We must
learn to think before we act or jump to conclusions, which is not
something we are trained to do. Our previously ingrained pattern
of beliefs and the habits we develop as a result, are the real enemies
of our existence. Next is getting rid of the clowns trying to
control things, or the "Absolute masters, Despots, and Tyrants" as Samuel Adams describes them.
You could easily be mislead into believing following orders from parents,
teachers, politicians, doctors, police the military or anyone in authority or else holding the purse, or both, is the
way we are supposed to live and behave. If you are foolish enough to
believe that at least you can understand how the world got to where it
For those of you with little children, you already understand the
process and the futility of
trying to guide babies and very young children with logic. They learn
not to wet
their pants or poop in them by disliking the physical discomfort of
having wet messy pants, not because you inspired them with great
theories about urine and feces on their skin. They learn walking and
crawling to get somewhere or to get something they want. They also
learn to behave in many of the ways they do because you enforced it.
For a short while you are their God, and you dictate their habitual
behavior by force, confinement, physical control, and/or using a carrot
or a stick approach, as well as by feeding them and manipulating them with hugs and kisses.
This behavior control process creates the habits of action that
eventually develop a rudimentary form of
obedient thought in children and young adults because of the way they
are forced to act by necessity or demand. Boot camp for
babies, but Mommy loves me, maybe? For their entire life someone
puts children and young adults into behavior defining and controlling
boxes which eventually dictate the justification process we call
thinking. If you doubt that try telling the schools
they go to what you would like them to be taught. The reality is by
looking around you, you may realize one of the more critical
skills we need to learn ourselves and teach our children is to forget
everything we think we know and rethink independently about everything.
We Think Because of the Way We Act.
The idea that we made all of the decisions all the way along is a
fiction we fool ourselves with. Did you create your own
education, job, upbringing, choose were you were brought up?
Nope. Look at what the governments of the world are doing to
your country, your life and the world. You are a child in an
abusive relationship managed by a band of corrupt, lying manipulative
functionaries (or simply the elected or appointed representatives in
government as the colonists called them, that are supposed to but
rarely do look after citizens' interests). And they are doing
everything in their
power to make sure you stay subservient. Don't talk back.
The books below give you some ideas on how to break with the boot camp
existence you live in. There is absolutely no point following this and
the main site if you are not willing to pay the price to take control
of your own life, and kick over the ties that bind you to the broken
behavior control program we call society.